Religion: Mental Slavery

3In this country, freedom of religion is a bedrock principle from the day it was founding, or maybe stolen. In a way, this falsehood is much like the words written in many of the other American founding documents. Those documents say, “All men are created equal,” which we know, and history proves to be a lie in the eyes of the system that oppresses people of color.

Those people who hijacked African culture, religious beliefs, and imposed a faith system that a sane person might think is a system of brainwashing or mind control that have lasted for generations. Your only reward was giving to the greedy! For example, many of you today are about to pay homage to a white Jesus in some business establishment called a church.

Needless to say, the zealots of European descent believed this is “manifest destiny” and that God gave them dominion over the earth and all in it. It is at this point; all that followed were converted by the stolen words in a book they wrote or at the barrel of a gun. Let me say; religion was designed and created to keep poor people from killing rich people. In fact, it could be said it is a clever form of mental slavery.

I am neither a preacher nor one with any authority to guide or direct your life. However, I can suggest that you be careful whose words you listen to and who you follow. You might well see yourself paying for or buying a “Jet” or supporting some other “Pimp in the Pulpit.” I think it’s fair to say Black people are the most religious folk on the planet and will out Pope the Pope! They have been doing so since being dragged onto these American shores. Now, just look around and ask yourself – have you been saved yet!

Frankly, who cares what you believe, but you should understand that if a man can control what you are thinking, he never has to worry about what you think. The wickedly diabolical King James ordered and sanctioned the latest version of the New Testament, was honest in that he tells you it’s his version, not God’s version. Yet, to some that part of the “Word” does not register into our understanding. This is not to chastise anyone for believing, but the truth of the matter is that you believe it because you have been conditioned to believe.

I wonder how many people know that the first registered slave ship was called the “Good Ship Jesus”; all while perpetrating the guise that God sanctioned slavery. The good book tells you to turn the other cheek while being brutalized. It also says love thy neighbor, who was the person creating your hell on earth. From the time when the myth of false reality was imposed upon us, they told us that when we die, there is a place in the sky waiting for us with streets paved with gold. Pardon the pun, but it is mind control of biblical proportions.

If you take a minute to think about it, this argument begs many questions. I understand that faith is believing to be true what is unseen, but there comes a time when one must consider that on any Sunday morning from about nine to noon is the most segregated two hours in America. Then realize that there are more than fifteen hundred different religions on the planet and all seek your money – is important to understand that view of your belief system.

My reason for sharing this post is because everybody who believes in anything will try to convert you into believing what they believe. Whenever I am approached by a so-called believer – I begin taking off my rings and watch because it’s going to cost me. So to the faithful believe what you will, and I will do the same.

Practice your faith – don’t preach it. My grandfather told me a long time ago that when you get to heaven, you will receive three surprises; first, you will be surprised who you see when you get there; two you will be surprised who you don’t see. Third and last, you will be surprised if you get there yourself! Take a good look, black people you are already in hell. Lastly, for those who think White Jesus is coming back to save you – he’s not! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

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