Its “911” For Black America

193_160I am sending my thoughts and prayers to those who suffered a loss as a result of the attacks of 911. Be it from the attack or the ill-fated wars that followed. Many say we should never forget that day. True! However, I take the position that the horrible terrorist attacks inflicted upon black people should never be forgotten either. Black people have suffered every form of terror one could imagine for four-hundred years, and America seems to forget all of this has happened.

History has recorded what white folk did to the Native American’s. I’ve witnessed, firsthand, the Jim Crow era and the vial behavior of its supporters. I remember, as a child, seeing George Wallace giving a speech where he said, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.” Seeing this and other comments the bigots made to the opposition to the Civil Rights Movement was frightening because black people were simply fighting for the basic rights of human beings. But then, the Constitution says we are not; only 3/5ths human!

The view of most in white America was “the Negro is happy,” “what do they want,” and in places where marches were held, the people there said be “outside agitators stirring up the people.” They justified their position under the auspices of “It’s our way of life.” At this horrible time in the American past, the police and law enforcement authorities in these areas were used to maintain this, what they called, “their way of life.” Today, the same sentiment seems to be expressed as we witness authority out of control across the country. I did not witness slavery in its most brutal form, so I will speak to what I know to be true.

The access to and the broad use of media made it, then and now, difficult to argue that the police are working with honor; protecting the community or serving it. Video camera’s today, like television in the 1960s, brought the reality of truth into the living rooms and the consciousness of America and the world. If it were not for television, the modern (1960s) civil rights movement would have never succeeded. Today’s technology affords this generation with social media that brings the reality and truth to these longstanding and troubling issues.

Let’s look back in time at just a few instances; the Black Panther Party came to be because of the atrocious brutal activities of the police at the time. Fast forward to the summer of 2005 when legions of poor black people in desperate circumstances seemed to have suddenly and inexplicably materialized in New Orleans, during the flooding that followed Hurricane Katrina. During that event, the police murdered and abused people who were destitute and helpless. Like today, one unarmed black person is killed every twenty-eight hours by the police.

My point is, but for a free and open press; we would never have known what was taking place. Expressions of disbelief poured in from around the nation seeing what most could not believe true. Upon seeing with their own eyes, many questions were asked. : “How can this be happening?” “I had no idea conditions was that bad?” “My God, is this America?” I submit; the same questions are being asked in the minds of many, as a result of what we see in Ferguson, Baltimore, and frankly all over the country.

Yes, the media exposed a cancer that has yet to heal which is deeply rooted in racism and economic suppression. Bush said during his time in office, these issues “has roots in a history of racial discrimination that cut off generations from the opportunity of America.” If you listened to his statement, you might have thought you heard the ghost of Lyndon Johnson. However, the problem continues to affect the soul of black America profoundly.

The precipitating events that cause these periodic national spasms can vary widely; whether it’s the flooding of New Orleans, the assassination of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the beating of Rodney King, or events that have occurred from the murders of unarmed black people murdered at the hands of the law. If you don’t believe a disaster is on the way; just look at the president-elect’s appointments, particularly the AG!

But these tragedies all emerge from the same putrid source, the racism embedded in the very foundation of America and now America has elected a man who calls himself “the Law and order President” only means it will get worse! 911 means emergency; I say there is an emergency in the lives of black Americans that no one seems to see, but us. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Law and Order Theme!

Watch the video’s below, wrap your mind around what you see and think about your freedom!!!

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