White On White Crime

(3)The conservatives have labeled crimes that occur in the Black community as “Black on Black Crime”. I am of the belief that crime occurs where people live to include crimes such as murder; people kill where they live. I am in no way condoning or sanctioning this behavior in either community. However, to be clear, let me send my sympathies to the families of all the lives lost in such tragedies.

It seems like once a week a cop shoots an unarmed black person for literally nothing, and there is no outrage or sympathy at all from white folk. They point to Chicago talking about black murders and rightfully condemn them, and so do I. However, the same folks are not outraged when a white crazy in involved in a mass shooting event, which, by the way, occurs often! These white males shoot up schools, theaters, churches, and any number of public places killing the innocent and defenseless. But, somehow they don’t label this “white on white crime”; rather they say this/these people must be mentally ill.

What is distinctly different is that the Republicans and the NRA believe the second amendment requires everyone to carry a gun, crazy or not, and, if you are white, has the right to use it as they see fit! This, by the way, was not the original intent of the Second Amendment! The fact is when White on White crime takes place; it’s never talked about in the same way it is when Blacks commit a crime or when the police kill a black person. Think about it, if a black man were to shoot up a school or theater, white folk and their police who begin rounding up ever black man in the town and put them in a concentration camp.

This could well be as Malcolm said: “the chicken coming home to roost.” They propagate “the only good gun is a good guy with a gun” and of course, what they mean is a white person with a gun. The truth is – this is the most insane narrative ever uttered. Because if you are a person with a gun, this does not make you a good guy at all. This narrative has gained traction for those who buy guns and use them to take life, which is simply wrong. Remember their one-time hero Zimmerman, who I call a ZERO!

In the United States, a White person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another White person than by a Black person, according to FBI homicide data. In 2011, there were more cases of Whites killing Whites than there were Blacks killing Blacks. However, the mainstream media obsesses over Black on Black violence and rarely mentions the problem of White on White violence.

These statistics has not led to a media outcry about the problem of White on White crime or the unique pathology of the White community. However, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, for the period of 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related homicides were committed by White offenders, and the majority of gang homicide victims (56.5 percent) were White. When was the last time you’ve seen on the news, discussions about a White gang problem?

Let’s just review some of the mass shootings and killings. There was the Boston Bombers, Columbine, Sandy Hook, The Church in Charleston, several movie theaters attacks – get the point. So when the Fox News types talk about the horrors they pretend to care so much about that happens in the black community. Don’t be so shocked when the reality hits you in the face. In fact, I can’t recall any incident by a black person like this occurring in the black community.

According to statistics from the Justice Department, White men are more likely to kill than any other racial group and White men top the list in all other categories. Crimes committed by White people are explained as deviations of the individual but have nothing to do with race, but crimes committed by Blacks or Latino’s are somehow attributed to race. Gang-bangers from South Chicago has somehow become a symbol that Black men are to be feared, but you don’t get the same fear that one could attach to the brutal murders committed by Neo-Nazi skinheads.

So, why does the media still perpetuate the lie of Black criminality? Is it because one in 15 Black men are in prison? Resulting from the racial biases in the War on Drugs contribute to the high incarceration rates. Studies show that because the systems sustained policies to keep black people impoverished, and their focus on inserted drugs into the so-called urban communities is one of the reasons for the carnage that occurs.

It is a documented fact that when the movie cowboy was president they were caught inserting drugs into the black community. Then the so-call job creators took away all the jobs, sent them overseas or taken them to white communities denying able black citizens the opportunity to be employed. Add to that the wretched education system that segregates and has failed the least of thee. This is a recipe for disaster!

So who is the real menace to society? Or will you continue to believe the hype that gun-toting gangster rappers and black men are the evil? If so, why can’t we blame a White man with a pistol being used to symbolize Second Amendment rights? Oh yes, I cannot leave out the most dangerous crime: White Collar Crime! So don’t believe the hype! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


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