Tag Archives: current-events

Commentary: A Disaster In Charge

pFJMtgl6S22Xjo6kW27YI am a proud HBC graduate and have earned a Master’s Degree. I was not a political science major, nor am I a republican, democrat, or independent. I would say I am black and gifted with common sense. I said all of that to say since 2002 I have been a professor which taught me to use my critical thinking skills. At the beginning of every class, during my introduction, I made sure that each student know this; “follow the money! If you do you will come to the right conclusion and find the answer”!

It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Therefore, you will find any wrong doing and gage the character of whoever you are dealing with. I know firsthand because I was once married and this character was the absolute worst person on the face of the earth! She was a lying stealing degenerate but one day I realized that love had nothing to do with it and I began to follow the money – so she was done!

I said all of that because white folk are continuing to justify everything the Donald does because of their love, bigotry, and agrees with him for his hatred of Obama. They will have to do as I did chose reality and common sense over what you believe is love. I have to say; there has to be a special kind of stupid to continue the same thing and expect a different result.

This man, 45, lies with every breath and it is obvious. He does not have a stellar history in anything. He has been sued more than almost anyone in America and everyone around him appears to be a crook. But the GOP and these racist are with eyes wide open stick with him and he will either blow up the world or steal the country blind!

I have not had too many legal problems but I do know the when you lies the judge will cancel you argument or nullify your case. I was sued for 10 million dollars and the other guy repeatedly lied and the judge threw out the case.

I was particularly disturbed when this crook spoke with so much sympathy for his former campaign manager whose home was raided by armed FBI agents waking him and his wife up in middle of the night with a warrant. I remember during the crack era they invented a bulldozer type vehicle to go through the walls of a house to raid a black person’s home. I have lived a longtime and can recall white people being so evil they had to put them on a leash to stop their dastardly deeds.

Donald and his gang have stolen untold millions, allegedly, and most of them think it alright because HE IS WHITE and they are doing everything in their power to cover it up! This guy bankrupted a casino, caught in a blatant act of discrimination, and they suspect him of being involved in laundered money; and their line is to us that they have no evidence! All because he wants to make America white again! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The New Attack On Affirmative Action

170727-trump-prop-faces-indexIn deciding to challenge race-based affirmative action programs the Trump administration has laid out his view of the future – his claim that white people are being discriminated against. Therefore, and Trump will do to affirmative action what Lincoln did for slavery or so the said – end it. This country has always denied black people anything that would elevate them as human beings. Just remember there was a time in history when reading would be a death sentence!

It will be very tempting for those of us on the left side of the political spectrum to say this is just one more example of Trump beating up on minorities, like the ban on immigration from a number of predominantly Muslim countries, or the ban on transgender people serving in the military, or the administration’s support of state voter suppression laws.

It is important to know that first; they raised the price of college tuition to keep black and other people of color out of institutions of higher learning which was just to make college unaffordable.  So like Obama care, these bigots will revisit this issue again. But there is an important fault line that divides anti-discriminatory measure – they now are claiming that white folk is being discriminated against!

A 2016 Gallup Poll found that 63% of Americans believe that colleges should not consider race even as a minor factor in admissions decisions. In a 2017 Harvard Institute of Politics poll, only 19% of young people approved of giving qualified minorities special preference in hiring and education. Frankly, they should be staunchly pro-diversity; colleges are better when they have students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds and they should champion policies that are more inclusive of disadvantaged students of all races than many current programs are.

Their goal is to take black people back to a segregated society – yes that means Jim Crow! The danger for liberals in defending explicit racial preferences is that that fits neatly into Trump’s argument that the system is rigged.

If ever there were an unfair system, it is the admissions apparatus of selective colleges. Bowen’s research found that alongside racial preferences, recruited athletes receive a 30-percentage-point boost. The children of alumni receive a 20-percentage-point boost.

Low-income students, by contrast, get no preference whatsoever. As a result, those from the richest economic quartile outnumber those from the bottom quarter by 24 to 1 at most selective colleges. At several selective colleges, as many students come from the top 1% of the income distribution as from the bottom 60%.

Progressives should champion a system that eliminates unfair preferences of all kinds, including those for legacy students. Legacy preferences aid the already advantaged and do not, in fact, increase alumni giving. But it’s not enough to point to hypocrisy on the right about legacies; racial preferences should also be transformed to help economically disadvantaged students of all races.

This is an idea the Democratic Presidents have flirted with, but never had the guts to follow through on. In 1995, Bill Clinton briefly called for shifting the basis of affirmative action to economic need. In 2007, Barack Obama said that his own privileged daughters did not deserve a preference in college admissions.

The fact is education is the single most important ingredient necessary to neutralize those forces that breed poverty and despair. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Powerless Of Blackness

2I am not against anyone or culture. However, I make it a priority to speak to that which others have forgotten or simply don’t know about the African American Diaspora. I believe when you know who you are, believe in yourself, then and only then can you be empowered with the spirit of power. This is the problem!

Black people have been robbed of their history and past, which makes it virtually impossible to know your true history and who you are by design  It was not until about the 1920s that any knowledge of our past was revealed. Later in the 1960s more information was discovered in the form of our true history came to light. By that I mean, not the lies of His-Story!

Let me ruffle some feathers here – WE ARE NOT FREE! As a people, we are no better off today than the day Dr. King spoke about his dream, an elusive dream I might add; that was more like a nightmare than a dream of progress. We can go back to post Civil War and find that statistics about the black condition tell it is nearly the same as today. Further, in 1960 there were only 103 black elected officials, in 1990 there were over 9000, and today there are more than that with a black president. Still, nothing changed regarding our condition. In fact, it got worse! So the correlation between black elected official does not result in improvement or empowerment for black people.

I will readily admit that we have access in some areas, but access to the greater community does not translate into progress. The ideology of divide and conquer causes us to misunderstand that we are seen in one of two categories – good blacks or bad blacks. To be more succinct, as Malcolm said, “house niggers and field niggers”! Look around, there are far more Field Negros today, and the few House Negros de-emphasized their blackness and forgot about the masses of black people.

Few black people have read “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” I would suggest that you do because, in that novel, Uncle Tom was the strong black and Sambo was the bad black House Negro. So you see the trick that was played on us and how they flipped the script making us believe something other than the truth. So in today’s vernacular, we call those who are against our interests Uncle Tom’s, who is not the person strong enough to protect your interest. Yet, we follow the sellouts!

The power of blackness has been eroded by those who call themselves black conservatives sent to confuse your thinking. First, the root word “conserve” means to hold on to what you’ve got. For example, America was founded based on a slave mentality. Therefore, what the conservatives are saying, codeword anti-black, “we want to take out country back” is indicative of their intent. So I have to say to the black conservatives, you had nothing to hold on too, so the question then becomes; do you want slavery?

In essence, the concept of benign neglect, which was not based on empirical reality, ultimately blamed the victim and thus ignored the effects of the flawed structure of society in this nation. We did not listen to the few black leaders that preached freedom, and there were only a few; if they had your interest at heart they would know freedom is not given by any oppressor – it is taken, which mean you have to struggle, fight, and maybe die for it. Instead, most black people will choose to support every issue of any other group – instead of interest that directly affects you.

To this point, we’ve been playing a game we can’t win. At this moment, all black people have is hope, and that is all we have ever had – and it alone with our so-called leaders have failed us. It’s time to play to win! Join me as a member of the “Common Sense Party” to survive and not follow fools! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


The Juice And The Race Card

pFJMtgl6S22Xjo6kW27YThis might be a harsh thing to say but I thought Charles Manson would be released from jail before OJ. Ok I was wrong! Yesterday the Juice was paroled bringing back the same outrage and vitriol from the past from white folk. Don’t be mistaken, regardless of what the law says “he will alway be guilty of killing this white woman”. It is the code that white folk live by and honor!

There is no accident that “they”, white folk, keep coming up with more and more slave movies. It is because they want people to think that is the totality of black history. To that point, it has been proven the first “Roots” was written by a white man, not Alex Haley! To be clear, there will be more slave movies to come. It is like Carter G. Woodson said, “If you control what a man thinks you don’t have to worry about what he is thinking.” They need to reinforce the principle theory of white supremacy!

In the early 1900s, there was a man named Jack Johnson who flaunted his wealth and white women in the faces of white society. They waged a campaign to destroy him, even passing a law making it illegal for a black man to consort with white women; the law is called the Man Act! He was the greatest fighter of his day, wealthy, and did remarkable things as the Heavyweight Champion. However, he broke the cardinal sin of consorting with white women and he was put in jail for his racial transgression!

I use this example because there was an athlete in the modern era named O.J. Simpson, who at the time, they said transcended race. He was a great running back, starred in movies, and was a popular pitchman for corporate America. His problem, like Jack Johnson, he consorted with and married a white woman. Unfortunately, she was murdered and naturally the spouse is the first to blame. Let me add that the first thing I was taught before becoming a man was to stay away from and leave white women alone. Historically, the worse thing a black man can do is to have relations with one! There was a time when a black man would be lynched for looking at one.

I digress, back to the point! I wrote a book a few years ago where I said there was no way in the world that could OJ have committed the murders as they claim. I said this for a very practical reason. They claimed this broken down athlete struggle with and stabbed two people; one was a fit young man who supposedly was a martial arts expert. They say OJ wrestled with the victims rolling around in a massive amount of blood, walks across the street and gets in a white on white Bronco and drive away. This is ludicrous because they only found a few drops of blood in the vehicle – not possible.

Looking closer at the case, they made the white woman and her family look like saints. But actually, or so it has been reported, she and the guy were surrounded by nothing but shady characters to include drug dealers and convicts. Also, it seemed like the families of these white people were also just a shady. The most significant piece of evidence, the glove, was found by a documented racist cop, but they never mention that part of the story.

So not only is the OJ situation made to be a lasting reminder of one of the major tenets of white supremacy – a black man must never screw a white woman. In this case, OJ was made to become the poster child so that the dominant society can brainwash and continue to remind other whites this is not appreciated and wanted. So this is what the continued hype is all about – there is big money in the “OJ did it thing”. It is big business. I would argue that the Kardashians have become famous, not because they have talent, take their clothes off or do porn; rather because of their families association with OJ. Actually, they claim one of those girls is his child.

I will admit that at the time OJ had forgotten he was black and had no attachment to black people but most black people at the time knew he did not do the killing. The court also agreed – finding him not guilty! But to white people that did not matter because of his behavior with white women and one was killed. As a result, up until yesterday he languished in prison serving a thirty-year sentence for what amounts to a robbery. Now to be frank, was he an idiot – YES but I can’t believe he murdered those people!

The advice I would give to a young black man – it is very dangerous to have relations with white women. I was taught stay away; they are dangerous to your life! History is full of examples – beware! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


The Must See TV That Wasn’t Recap

th (4)Party-like activities related to the Senate Intelligence Committee interrogation of former FBI Director James B. Comey was a joke and belied the gravity of the proceedings. The supporters of 45 seemed shocked the Comey called the President a liar; he is and we knew it! Like they don’t! Forget the firing of the FBI Director; everything this guy has said to date has been a lie. Maybe because a powerful white man is saying it to the world means something.

Wait for it; however, Sarah Huckabee Sanders later said, “I can definitively say that the president is not a liar.” But her words didn’t blunt the implication of Comey’s charge. The truth is that nobody can trust a word of this guy says. They see it and know it. So what is this grand conspiracy to cover-up his obvious fallacies?

Comey’s testimony really did not tell anybody much of anything except what we already knew that the crooked president puts loyalty to him above loyalty to the Constitution. What I heard in the testimony sounded like something the boss of a company would say to an underling who is expected to grovel to keep his job. Comey didn’t grovel, thus he’s out of a job. So the bully fired him!

The question now is whether Trump’s actions amounted to obstruction of justice. Of course, it does – it would be for President Obama, which may be the only destination distinction between the two men; their race! Nonetheless, even if Trump avoids obstruction charges, his behavior has been outrageous. It evokes memories of another president who put himself above the law and paid by having to resign in disgrace.

I am going to make a bold statement here; I would rather they not impeach this man because he should be battered and bruised politically and become a stain on the pages of history – a disgrace! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Commentary: The Law and Order President

pFJMtgl6S22Xjo6kW27YIt was not my intention initially to use this blog as a political source but since 45 was elected I felt that silence is as bad as the crime. Let me say this; we have seen all of this before, maybe not to this degree that might be called espionage but what surely could be called “high crimes and misdemeanors”, which is the measure of impeachment. Let me say that I am not for an impeachment! I would like to see him battered and bruised politically to be marked in history as a loser. Plus, his VP is worst. I think all of us can agree that the big problem is if impeached he will be pardoned for any and all crimes he may have commented – “if” he is found guilty!

I am vexed by this guy, 45, who campaigned on being a law and order president! Having said that, today we see that he is under investigation for many things as well as most of the people around him; especially, his AG! Let’s face it, this guy comes from the New York real estate business, which means he has to have been involved or in some way connected to the mob.

Most people know that there have always been laws created and implemented directed to undermine the ability to obtain freedom for people of color since the beginning of this country.  White folk and so-called liberals’ will say that America has come a long way when it comes to race relations. I think not; maybe from the days when they owned black people as slaves but the system is the same.

Going back to 45, he has been embroiled in controversy from day one; from paling around with, from what has been reported, with spies. I believe if you want to get to the truth – “just follow the money” and you will get the answer! Let’s be clear regardless of what they say “We have not overcome”! This guy’s whole history is not one that demonstrates an American patriot. He was the chief birther, which was rooted in bigotry!

Yet, he now finds himself is embroiled in numerous investigations for violations of law but he says he is the “law and enforcement president”. Most black people know that “regardless of who is president – we will not get nothing more than we always gotten”. The truth is the system never was designed to affect people of color in the first place! It is just that with this guy, we have less to expect from this guy and his administration.

The biggest problem for me during this mess and it is a mess is that this guy cannot stop blaming President Obama. President Obama served for eight years without a hint of scandal while each day there is a new allegation of some sort of suspected wrongdoing. More indispensable, in my view, is that the AG has expressed doubling down on an agenda to rollback efforts gained on civil rights and justice reformers!

More disturbing is with all the unarmed killing of black citizens, men, women, and children – he has not said a word about the extreme effect on what I call radical white supremacist, who commit such crimes against these people or offered sympathy for the families of the murdered people; with many just children! Although, he expressed such heartfelt sympathy for the baby in Syria and launched a missile strike upon that country. Be it from 45 or the AG civil rights are under siege! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Origin Of Memorial Day

2Black folk celebrate every holiday with vigor, yet most don’t know the origins or the reason why. DID YOU KNOW? Memorial Day was started by former slaves on May 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers, who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for two weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.

The truth is the custom of holding observances the laying of flowers on burial sites to remember and honor those who gave their lives in military service goes back many hundreds if not thousands of years. In the United States, that custom has long since been formalized in the creation of Memorial Day formerly known as Decoration Day. A federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

What we celebrate or know as the modern Memorial Day originated with an order issued in 1868 by Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, the commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, for the annual decoration of war graves. Three years after the Civil War ended, on May 5, 1868, the head of an organization of Union veterans established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared that Decoration Day should be observed on May 30. It is believed that date was chosen because flowers would be in bloom all over the country.

The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremonies centered around the mourning-draped veranda of the Arlington mansion, once the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Various Washington officials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies. After speeches, children of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphan Home and members of the GAR made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns.

The story of Memorial Day, some say, began in the summer of 1865, when a prominent local druggist, Henry C. Welles, mentioned to some of his friends at a social gathering while praising the living veterans of the Civil War; it would be well to remember the patriotic dead by placing flowers on their graves. On May 5, 1866, the Village was decorated with flags at half mast, draped with evergreens and mourning black. According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, roughly two dozen places claim to be the primary source of the holiday. An assertion found on plaques, on Web sites and in the dogged local historians across the country.

In his book Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, Professor David W. Blight made the case for Charleston, South Carolina, as Memorial Day’s birthplace, as that city was the site of an obscure (possibly suppressed) May 1865 event held at a racetrack turned war prison. During which freedmen properly reburied hundreds of Union dead found there and then held a ceremony to dedicate the cemetery.

The official dedication ceremony was conducted by the ministers of all the black churches in Charleston with prayers, reading of biblical passages, and singing spirituals black Charlestonians gave birth to an American tradition. In so doing, they declared the meaning of the war in the most public way possible by their labor, their words, their songs, and their solemn parade of roses, lilacs, and marching feet on the old planters’ Race Course.

After the dedication, crowds gathered at the Racecourse grandstand to hear some thirty speeches by Union officers, local black ministers, and abolitionist missionaries. Picnics ensued around the grounds, and in the afternoon, a full brigade of Union infantry, including Colored Troops, marched in double column around the martyrs’ graves and held a drill on the infield of the Race Course. The war was over, and Memorial Day was founded by African Americans in a ritual of remembrance and consecration.

Professor Blight termed it “the first Memorial Day” because it predated most of the other contenders…” he said. Today, this celebration has morphed into, as Howard Zinn remarked: “Memorial Day will be celebrated … by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication.”

I am a veteran and have yet to receive any gratitude for my service in the war, came home, and was less free than when I left. However, I am very grateful I survived the carnage and horrors of it! The fact is, if we could stop war there would not be a reason to celebrate this day! Only the rich can truly celebrate this day because of the wealth they receive! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Why Have We Not Awakened?

thFirst, let’s be clear America is known the world over as a white country and racist history. With that said, it was stolen for – all the rules and laws – are designed to benefit white people. Malcolm called them devils and if you look at the facts, he makes a very good point. Everywhere they have been on earth they have robbed, assaulted, and murdered people of color – fact. This behavior is ever presence today, things have not changed today.

Everyone should know this history; just ask yourself – why has it taken 400 years to correct the evils they have done and doing. In today’s world, we see black people killed, murdered, at the hands of the so-called the law where in many cases the cop is rewarded with a vacation and a huge sum of money when that is over. Now what is despicable is that these are women and children! This is what they have done from this time we arrived in this country as property.

There is probably no accurate number to reflect how many black people were murdered and killed at the hands of these folk but they have a stat for everything else. Even if there is a tragedy involving them one would think that it was the murdered person’s fault. The number one rule of white supremacy is to never allow a black man to rise to a level of respect and honor! In fact, there is a statue on the books that says “there is no right that a black man has that a white man is bound to respect”.

My point is; if a black person rises to a level of prominence or speaks out he or she has two choices – (1) sell out his people or (2) they kill that person – the United States government fears anyone who can organize Black Liberation. The evidence of their sins and crimes against black people is overwhelming and the evidence is clear – yet most are so brainwashed that we do nothing. Their key is to divide us, divide and conquer, and my question is; WHY CAN’T WE NOT SEE IT? Especially, when we now have a racist as president who basically could not play die in a cowboy’s movie!

There is plenty of evidence like a poor little black boy who they imposed such hate & evil on this innocent kid. They were so eager to kill him but he was too small for the electric chair so they sat him on top of his own Bible! Of course, we know about the killing of little Emmett Till,  Martin, and the long list of others both men and women. Yet they claim they are Christian! What a disgrace. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Murdered In Plain Sight

1-Over the years, in fact since that day 400 years ago when black people were dragged onto these shores murder was the case. This weekend, a dashing and successful 23-year-old was at a college campus, waiting for an Uber with a few friends was killed for no reason other than being black.

This guy was not unlike the millions murdered before him who had everything going for him. He was an Army ROTC student about to graduate today. He was airborne-certified and already commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army’s intelligence branch. They never see a black man as a patriot; foolishly he tried to assimilate too much from his Facebook photos of himself in uniform, selfies of himself goofing around with his diverse group of friends, as well as props to President Trump for his handling of domestic policy.

But his life ended Sunday morning after another student, one who publicly identified with a group that posts racist material, allegedly approached him and, unprovoked, stabbed him in the chest. Now imagine if the dead student was white and the guy behind bars is black. We’d hear how a “thug,” obviously no angel, took the life of an All-American hero – a white patriot!.

But Richard W. Collins III, the promising young student from Bowie State University who was killed on the University of Maryland’s College Park campus was black and fatally stabbed on Sunday morning for no apparent reason. White folk are very quiet and about the incident but they are saying that Sean Christopher Urbanski must have had some issues but the FBI are investigating this as a HATE CRIME.

Urbanski, the murder from Severna Park, Md., belonged to an online Facebook group called Alt-Reich, which posts racist material, U-Md. Police Chief David B. Mitchell said, “When I looked at the information that’s contained on that website . . . it’s despicable”. The information “shows extreme bias against women, Latinos, members of the Jewish faith and especially African Americans, which brings up questions as to the motive of this case”.

Here is the thing, their first response was through Urbanski’s attorney was alcohol or drugs may have played a role in the crime. Frankly, this is like cop’s who kill unarmed black people were afraid for their lives, which is such a cop out! I don’t want to hear that Urbanski was drunk, high or mentally ill when he allegedly killed that lovely young man. That’s what you hear when white guys shoot up offices and schools and theaters. Not terrorism, even though people were certainly terrorized; for them, it is seldom racism.

Diverse, happy U-Md. was one of the American campuses plastered three times in recent months with fliers from Vanguard America, a group associated with white supremacy. Most of the fliers said that “America is a white nation.” One poster whined: “We have a right to exist.” We hear it every day: ‘Whiteness’ is evil, and must be destroyed,” the group said in a statement on its website. “Our religion, our traditions, and our identity are dragged through the mud by the globalist establishment while millions of nonwhites flood our nation every year.”

Nope. Sorry, snowflakes. No one is telling you or me or anyone else that white is evil. That’s what you’re hearing, and that’s sad. We see this all across the country this kind of evil is no different and terrorism!

Too many folks want to believe that the Confederate flag and monuments are about Southern heritage and history and not acknowledge them as symbols that glorify a time when human slavery was the norm. Too many folks want to believe that housing inequity, generational poverty, and unequal employment are about personal flaws, rather than the ugly residue of a systematic disenfranchisement of a particular group. Also, too many folks will want to talk about all the other reasons that a young white man from a nice suburb with hard-working parents allegedly could have killed another young man in cold blood.

It’s racism. Say it with me – racism – admit it. Lastly, for the young man murdered may God have mercy on your soul. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


The Mother Of Mankind

2His-Story would have you believe, and you are taught that the earth and all that’s in it was decreed to one race of people. This version has wrongly led us to believe all that we know originated from European people and culture; disregarding the FACT that all that those folks obtained came out of Africa. This is why it’s no coincidence that Africa, the cradle of all creation, is called “the Motherland.” It is a fact, and even His-Story tells us that the oldest remains of modern humans (homo sapien – translated black man) were found in Africa.

In the beginning, this place was called Pangaea where the first black man was born and walk the earth. Pangaea, if you don’t know, was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming approximately 300 million years ago. It began to break apart around 100 million years after it formed. The single global ocean which surrounded Pangaea was accordingly named Panthalassa. Forget what the many versions of the Bible tell you. The beginning of life and mankind was formed in this place on the planet.

The first thing that ever existed came from a single thought. Therefore, that first thought came from the mind of the original man and the foundation of everything that ever was. This is where the consciousness of life was formed, and the system of survival began. These people developed and practiced medicine, brain surgery, astronomy, and who knows what they did not tell us about. More significantly was that these Africans built one of the world’s most profound structure – the pyramid – that man cannot duplicate such a feat today.

These people created the earliest known colleges and institutions of learning established on the planet before the European’s wore a shoe or had a window. Places like Kemet, Timbuktu, Mali, Goa, and I could go on and on. These people were scientists, priests, and warriors. The continent of Africa was the richest continent on earth prior to the coming of European’s and still is today. Through the media and religion, we have been convinced that people of the Motherland were absent of color, meaning of another hue! They have gone further to make us believe that Egypt is not in Africa. The Nile Valley was the most fertile land on the planet.

On this Mother’s Day, my thought is for all of mankind is that you learn your history and not his-story because the evidence of what you and I have been told is not true. Earth is the mother of all things. For example, if I have witnessed in my lifetime events that I know to be true is later changed to something than what I know to be true. I cannot believe anything “they” have ever told. I can say it this way: “there is a lot of water in the ocean, but a boat can only sink if the water gets inside!”

Happy Mother’s Day to all but particularly to all black women and if you missed the point, you are the mother and creators of life! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…