Tag Archives: Donald Trump

American Chaos Dark And Dangerous

imrs.phpI have taken a bit of a break because I needed to step away from what appears to be cover-up after cover-up with Trump and his pep’s. I don’t like to mention this guy by name as he is not my president and is a disaster! Everyday there is something new with him and I hate him continuing to blame Mr. Obama for all of his errors and faults! Not only that but his mouthpiece is as much of a disgrace as the rest of his crooked gang. It has gotten so bad that after news spread that President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Press Secretary Sean Spicer went to great lengths to avoid the barrage of media questions he was bound to get. He reportedly took shelter behind bushes.

We’ve seen people on television in other countries around the world being rounded up, the opposition being fired, jailed or “disappeared.” We’ve are now watching the American Strongman do the same thing right here in America, although shocked, as citizens allow their laws be violated, upended and changed to satisfy their leader’s whim, vendettas or ego. Black people have been saying for the beginning that this guy was a fraud but this pick cannot be put on us; this is the fault of white people and now they have buyer’s remorse! This guy is making Bush look like a saint!

The move to fire Comey was done to bring back confidence to the top law enforcement agency – cheap excuse because it has never had any! Comey’s real transgression was to launch a serious investigation into possible cooperation between Trump’s campaign and a clandestine attempt by the Russian government to swing the election in Trump’s favor. With both the House and the Senate in Republican hands, the president probably calculates that the various congressional probes can be castrated. Fox News and other friendly media can be counted on to push the line that the real issue is leaks, not possible collusion with a foreign power to subvert our democracy, which they know its BS!

But the FBI is not so easily put off the scent. Does Michael Flynn, fired as national security adviser for lying about his talks with the Russian ambassador, have a story to tell? What about Carter Page? If they are in legal jeopardy, how will they react when the FBI squeezes? Whom else might agents be talking to? Is the FBI asking about members of Trump’s family? About Trump himself? Yelling “fake news” hasn’t put an end to the investigation but firing Comey might do it. Besides the goal is to replace him with someone less independent and more compliant; someone 45 can control.

Trump-Russia Bombshell the reason Comey was fired!!!

The first thing a fascist must do is take is to silence the media or control them of them and then you. I will only say this is a very Nixon like move to save himself. His actions are gansta and thuggish and frankly any American with eyes should be ashamed – very ashamed! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Do You Know What Is True Or Not


A lie is an intentionally false statement for the purpose of deception. The practice of communicating lies is called lying, and a person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar. Generally, the term “lie” carries a negative connotation, and depending on the context a person who communicates a lie may be subject to social, legal, religious, or criminal sanctions.

Now, there was a philosopher named Voltaire who gave a more appropriated definition when it comes to history; he said that “history is a pack of lies played on the dead”. It was The first thing we must consider is that most of history is told by the oppressor, or as they say the victory, white folk, and everybody know they are not credible in any respect when it comes to telling the truth. All of the history they have told us is nothing more than fabricated and glorified tales told from the perspective of the conquers, which means the criminals!

Look at it this way: I have witnessed and seen things in my lifetime that I know to be true and then read about the events told later only to find out that the story has been changed to something other than the truth. So I am left with the conclusion that if I know a thing happened and later it is written differently; how can I believe anything they have ever told in what is now supposed to be a historical fact. This is very apparent in matters of race.

To this day they try to rewrite the history of the Civil War. For example, they continue to claim the war had nothing to do with slavery or race. In Texas, there is a major push to sanitized school books to remove all of the horrors of slavery. Let’s go back further and look at the Bible. We can now see the stories are taken from earlier civilization’s writing and more to the point; the main character could not possibly have come from that region of the world that did not produce a blonde haired blue eyed man.

Maybe a better example is the countless videos of police misconduct and shootings. Nearly every day one such video appears on television but they tell us we did not see what we thought we saw and the writers make the cop the hero saying that “his life was being threatened”! None of this makes sense but they change the narrative and most, at least, white folk will blame the dead or bring up his past history to make it so!

We are being duped and most people believe what someone has written or told to us. This brings me to today’s politics which will become history at some point. The so-called leader of the free world lies through his teeth and often many times on the same subject but he and his people call this alternative facts. Most think, in spite of his past actions or statements, that he is not a racist or misogynist! His actions surely would lead on to believe that he is! More importantly, his actions, so far, certainly shows his insensitivity and cruelty!

Let’s be clear his was elected to the office to erase President Obama’s legacy and to enrich the lives of his friends and family – simple! So I will close with this; if President Obama did anything close to what this guy, 45, has done that we know of, they would not only impeach him but will want him hung for treason! If I might, base on the Russian scandals being investigated, it might be a good idea to learn how to speak Russian because it appears America has been compromised! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

White Fear Equals Racism

th-14This post is a “reblog” of an article written by April V. Taylor on the Kulture Kritic. She writes what the renowned linguist and activist Noam Chomsky has been speaking with philosopher George Yancy on the white fear as part of a feature for the New York Times.

In which they discusses race and racism in America pointing out the roots of deeply rooted in America’s soul and the legacy of black enslavement and subjugation in America. It is an impressive read going into detail about how “fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture.”  This article articulates the foundation of what American Black people have known:

White People’s Fear Of Revenge For Slavery Is ‘Deeply Rooted In American Culture’

The conversation begins with Yancy pointing out that when terrorism and the United States are discussed, there is often an omission of “the fact that many Black people in the United States have had a long history of being terrorized by white racism.” Chomsky elaborates by saying, “We…cannot allow ourselves to forget that the hideous slave labor camps of the new ’empire of liberty’ were a primary source for the wealth and privilege of American society.” As Chomsky puts it, “The America that ‘Black people have always known’ is not an attractive one.”

When the exploited labor force of slaves was no longer available because of the abolition of slavery, “Blacks were arrested without real cause and prisoners were put to work for…business interests. The system provided a major contribution to the rapid industrial development from the late 19th century.” The Thirteenth Amendment’s Exception Clause, allowing slavery to continue if a person was convicted of a crime, was being used to its fullest extent. Reagan’s War on Drugs provided more Black bodies to be exploited for their labor, leading to what Michelle Alexander terms, the new Jim Crow.

While slavery, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration have been the source of innumerable tragedies, Chomsky points out that perhaps the greatest tragedy is America’s refusal to acknowledge its own history of oppression, violence and genocide. Chomsky describes it as an ‘intentional ignorance,’ that compels Americans to put the horrors of slavery, genocide, racism, and mass incarceration, “…behind us and march on to a glorious future, all sharing equally in the rights and opportunities of citizenry.”

While this may sound like a compelling ideal, it is reality is much uglier. Black people in America continue to fall at the bottom of nearly every statistical indicator for wealth, economics, education, and health while white America seems to all too easily forget how much their “wealth and privilege was created in no small part by the centuries of torture and degradation of which [white people] are the beneficiaries,” and Black people are the victims.

Hundreds of years of forced labor, racism and subjugation have inevitably led to resentment and anger, and Chomsky does not shy away from acknowledging that white people have long been gripped by the fear that those they have oppressed will rebel against the forced racial hierarchy.

Chomsky states, “Some of the slave-owners, like Jefferson, appreciated the moral turpitude on which the economy relied. But he feared the liberation of slaves, who have ‘ten thousand recollections’ of the crimes to which they were subjected. Fears that the victims might rise up and take revenge are deeply rooted in American culture, with reverberations to the present.” Alongside this acknowledgement, Chomsky admits that there is not easy answer to ending racism, no magic wand that can erase hundreds of years of violence and terrorism against non-white American citizens.

Most people and surely white folk know that black people have been subjugated, enslaved, oppressed, and still some people pretend this is not true. This article clearly sums up why the centuries of oppression exists, which drives the fear and need for whites to maintain the system of white supremacy and privilege; it is the fear of another Nat Turner like rebellion ever present that one day there will be payback directed at the dominant society [whites] on mass for the “sins of their fathers”. And this is a world phenomena! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The One Hundred Day Disaster

1x.jpgFirst, let’s be clear the whole election was motivated and won because of race and the black man once elected to lead America. I have always said to white folk that if you hate the black part of him, try loving the white part; after all – his mother was white.

Therefore, it is also clear that the person chiefly responsible for the racist and bogus birther claim was elected president for that very reason. Everybody knows that race has always been the driving America’s force in policy making to protect and benefit white folk! This guy railed about and against everything thing Obama did and he has done all those things himself.

So white folk got together and claimed to want a razzle-dazzle President says outrageous, untrue and inconsistent things in the hope of generating headlines or as they said to take back their country. They failed to scrutinize any of his deplorable actions and now we face the very real possibility of  war and the collapse of America. So it’s no surprise that #45 is disparaging the inevitable results-oriented First 100 Days reviews.

He has signed a huge number of executive orders and nothing else; meaning he has failed to do anything for the people only for his family and rich friends. This man is unqualified, unfocused, unprincipled, divisive, shallow and nasty solipsist has been outmatched by a once-fooled national media, plus an unexpected Democratic pushback on the streets, in town halls, in Congress and in court. So far current polling shows Trump holding on to the lowest approval rating of any newly elected president in modern times.

Instead, let’s apply this axiom to his time in office; “facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” By the standards of legislation, strategy, popularity and national purpose, 45 has been a failure; an epic failure so far, with the prospect of more failures to come. Unless or until he is impeached! Why this happened is hidden in plain sight. It goes back to racism! There used to be a saying “white is right” and no matter what their offenses are overlooked.

One other element turns this into a political bonfire: Next to none of his bellowing, reactionary assumptions are true. His claim of building a wall again goes back to racism. Refugees don’t commit more crime, net immigration from Mexico is near zero, climate change is real, people want health insurance and meals on wheels, and giving more money to the top 0.1% makes them, not us, richer.

No, unlike Caligula, he has not named his horse first consul. But day after day, everything seems to be driven not by strategy and facts but only by vanity, money and family (his). “Yelling fake news,” wrote columnist Eugene Robinson “cannot mask a fake presidency.”

Let’s recap his first 100 days:

The only thing 45 can lay claim too is that he did give the country a conservative justice to the Supreme Court. Of course, he like any good performance artist, 45 has been frequently photographed with applauding appointees signing numerous minor executive orders and, pending judicial review, repealing recent Obama administration rules to protect workers, investors and our waterways. On the merits, these appear to be anti-accomplishments.

Trump has been a Lord of the Lies. For example, the FBI, Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have said that President Barack Obama did not criminally wiretap Trump. Mean while, 45 dismiss all evidence of collusion between his campaign and the Russians as “fake news” despite just about everybody working on his campaign seemed to have Russian interactions that the FBI is investigation as a criminal probe.

More troubling, he calls the media “the enemy of the people,” disparaging the independent judiciary and “so-called” judges, and trying to suppress voting rights, he appears to have more in common with Putin and other dictators around the world.

In short, all his failures and failings over 100 Days appear ominous. He doesn’t seem to have the capacity, discipline or motivation to grow into the job. It is very hard to change your habits and personality when you are over 70 years old; his lying, bullying, adolescent tweedicts, contempt for law and norms appear unalterable. This time in office has been a disaster! And that is my thought provoking perspective…

God Help Us!

462_160They call today earth day but they elected the worst person to lead the charge to save the planet – 45. However, what we have seen in the first 100 days is not only a disgrace to America but to humanity! This guy claims Obama left him a mess but I would say you have made a mess of things! We saw riots at the swearing-in for the new president and minimal crowds attending the event. To which the liar in chief claim was the biggest crowd ever – millions – not true! This man cannot tell the true nor the same story from one moment to the next.

He might soon be known as the most hated man on earth as people came out Saturday by the millions to protest what he represents. I agree with John Lewis in that he is the illegitimate president and in fact, he conned the white folk who elected him. Most of us believed that Bush was the least intelligent president ever but after this guy Bush must have felt like a rocket scientist and Obama must have been embarrassed!

Bush could not make money in oil and Trump went bankrupt running a casino – these are the people they elected to run the country! After living with and through eight years when we have had the smartest president in history and now we got this – very painful. The shame and disgrace that Bush brought on the country; I would suggest for all of the people who pray, now is the time to start – Heaven help us! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

A War He Cannot Win: Another Fine Mess

1-I don’t want to sound like a prophet or something but I predicted military action from this guy on the day he was sworn into office. It was no major feat because Ray Charles could see this coming. I will begin by saying quite frankly that I am opposed to war with no doubt and for good reason. It does nothing for ordinary people but bring death and hardship, but it does makes the rich richer and we know the Republicans friends are the rich white men to benefit from war. Just watch in the coming days how this thing called patriotism will be frequently used. This is why they praise every republican president because they will make sure there will be a war. Bush’s war is still going on with no end in sight, so war is good business.

I have strong reasons for being anti-war because I fought in one! If you have not you are buying into a myth that it is a good – it’s not! I was in Vietnam and I realized it is not about giving anyone freedom to people because the people they want to give it too have no idea what freedom is. Therefore, how can you give something to a people who have no concept of such a thing these American’s speak. Especially, when they see that America does not give it to their own people!

Now the Republicans have got another war, which they wanted. Let’s look at the facts America has not won a war in 75 years, but they keep starting them. The problem is those who start wars don’t fight them! You, 45, are so dramatic talking about babies being gassed! Those same people and their babies are the ones you want to refused to let enter the country or made sanctuary cities illegal. War is very different than your son’s going off to Africa killing wild animals. More to the point, 45 did what amounts to draft dodging during the Vietnam conflict, yet claiming he was patriotic.

Just look at the language they are using “he gassed and killed his own people”. Does that sound like a past president saying the same thing about Iraq? The question is, now what? At the very least, this attack on another country in the Middle East will surely make more enemies and deepen America’s role in the never ending wars in the region. The truth of the matter is that here at home black people are being killed almost daily and starving but this guy is upset because the children killed made him sad and launched this attack stating “these people were killed by their own leader”. Yet, he can’t say the words white racist terror on black people in America and she calls himself a leader.

Look at it this way, 45 and his administration is under fire from all quarters – right now. So the bombing of Syria is being used for the sole purpose of a distraction. We all know how the America works and uses war as a means, to invade Iraq for example, to take our minds off the real issues. They will wrap the country in the flag and everything proposed will get rubber stamped. Don’t Sleep. Don’t get distracted or fooled. We have seen this before and it is directly out of their playbook. And that is my thought provoking perspective…

The Master Of Distraction

1-Well people the master deflection, and disinformation just struck again. As questions continue to swirl around Russian interference in the 2016 election and Trump officials’ contacts with the Kremlin, 45 on Wednesday declared that he “thinks” Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice committed a crime. America his always had a history of liars and con-artist but this guy beats them all. The republicans have always claimed to be laser focused on spending  or as they say fiscally responsible but the this guy spend an enormous amounts of money on himself and his family. They would claim that president Obama was taking the country in the wrong direction but it appears this guy is going in a direction nobody know where!

I think the story of this guy’s legacy is going to be the biggest story of our time. But then, just as they have sanitized the history books since the first of their books, they will also change the narrative about his story. These people, white folk, are in denial about the wickedness they have inflicted on the world and the dangerous person they elected. When history looks back at his time in office it is going to be shameful period, if we survive it.

His entire history is one of shame and disgrace. From his racially motivated attacks on his predecessor to the calling for the death of innocent black men known as the Central Park rapist. This president is under investigation by his own intelligence agencies. Also, just in the last week or so he paid out a multi-million dollar settlement for what was basically a fraud case. He has maligned every ethnic group and has not told the truth about anything to date. Worse yet, he has insulted women in the most disrespectful and egregious ways. Also, his collusion with the Russians could be viewed as treason!

He blames most of his presidential problems on his predecessor. He claims to be a deal maker but all we have seen is incompetence. All of the people around him meet the same low bar. So far most would agree that what he has shown us is disgraceful! The only thing most sane people see it the art of possessing irresponsibility and buck passing. He has done nothing but sign executive orders and tries to erase his predecessor’s name for history. But then that was the plan.

He accused president Obama of bugging his office and now he claims Susan Rice committed a so-called offense by unmasking the names of Americans swept up in surveillance of foreign officials by intelligence agencies, then, supposedly, leaking the names by determining the identities of individuals obscured in intelligence reports is kosher, and frequently done for national security reasons. This guy lives in a world of fantasy or a world far removed from reality. I must make this clear, like with his Obama claiming he “wiretapped” him in Trump Tower, the claim about Rice is equally false!

Even after the claim was rejected by FBI Director Jim Comey and congressional intelligence committees, enough people cling to the claptrap that it pollutes the public mind. Yet try as he might, away from Trump’s firecrackers and smoke bombs, the real story is emerging and expanding sending the blame his way. There are revelations that prior to being named a Trump adviser; Carter Page had once passed along documents to Russian operatives trying to recruit Americans.

Then there is Erik Prince, founder of the mercenary firm once known as Blackwater reportedly represented Trump in a January meeting with a Russian emissary in the Seychelles. In addition, there is Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, his daughter, and most of his appointments. So the problem is you 45. Try as you might but changing the subject is easy. Burying facts is hard. They would say Obama would not say the word islamic terrorist, but he will not say white terrorist for their acts of domestic terror! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Commentary: #45

trumpI have chosen not to say the name Donald Trump anymore because in my view he is an illegitimate president. Therefore, the number 45 is my identification for me. He must be feeling the heat of being the worst president in history but then that depends on your perspective. The numbers don’t matter because if you are a bigot, he is great to them because he is taking rights away from the “coloreds”. However, for all others, he is a disaster!

Since most sane people have come to realize that he is nothing more than a con-man and a huckster to which they know he plans to take away “white rights” too; can we assume it’s the beginning the beginning of the end of the Trump regime; it looks like it’s mighty close. There are people leaving his administration like there is a virus in the White House. We can only hope that Flynn’s testimony is damning enough to take the whole administration down with him.

With the surprise announcement that former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was fired by the last president and this one, is seeking immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony before the congressional Intelligence Committees, which he will not get. #45 will see that they eat their own. Like with Watergate he will cop a plea, resign, and the VP will pardon him. Then we get a more dangerous president in Pence and the same cast of characters will remain in place. Not only do I think of Nixon with him but Reagan also, they don’t tell you this about Reagan, there were about thirty of his senior administration figures “went to jail” under him, they were also caught bringing drugs into America.

A former member of Bill Clinton’s White House staff and a veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, Claude Taylor tweeted out this bombshell last week, citing an “independent journalist” who said they have multiple sources stating that Trump is already considering his options in the wake of the ever-expanding Russiagate scandal. As he should be! But let’s not forget white folk made him president to do two things (1) to take back their country and two (2) to make Pence president!

It bears noting that there is a recent historical precedent for a presidential resignation under fire. In 1974 President Nixon tendered his resignation when it became apparent that he was about to be impeached and convicted over the Watergate break-in of the Democratic Party headquarters and caught lying about it. He was subsequently pardoned by his Vice-president, Gerald Ford when he took over the presidency in the wake of Nixon’s departure. So again, they are using the same playbook.

Now that Michael Flynn is scrambling to save himself by seeking immunity from prosecution, it is fairly safe to assume that he is responsible for something that would be prosecutable. Everybody #45 has appointed is a billionaire, corrupt or a family member.  So the question remains who else would be impacted or implicated in his testimony; if he were to appear before either of the congressional committees currently investigating the Russian interference in the election and the Trump campaigns ties to Russia. Everybody around him seemed to be have been connected to the Russia’s, who are suppose to be America’s adversary. The only thing true that #45 has said was that “the system is rigged”! Frankly, they could have asked any black person to know that!

I know his loyal bigoted friend will disagree but even they must agree that they would never have stood for the black president having accumulated so much scandal. While tweets from Twitter may not convince anyone of the veracity of the reports beginning to surface of a potential resignation, even some prominent Republicans are reaching the same conclusion or making suggestions of a looming impeachment may be a pipedream but this guy is in way over his head.

According to West Wing Reports, it is rumored that Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele thinks that Trump will not finish his term and is advising his consulting clients to cozy up to Vice-President Pence. If this isn’t the beginning of the end of the Trump regime, it looks like it’s mighty close. We can only hope that Flynn’s testimony is damning enough to take the whole administration down with him. Let us not forget, his own FBI is investigating him!

The old heads know; we have seen this before and to sum up the state of affairs in America today “it’s a fine mess”! The only appropriate end to this regime will be jail for those involved and this administration so far is proving to be a disaster. Think about this; they will erase this part of history and make him a saint like they did with Reagan! And that is my thought provoking perspective…


12189523_10205164880509186_5668764015005677458_nBlack people’s biggest problem is not just racism from whites but from within by those we commonly refer to as Uncle Tom’s. Yes, we know who you are and see that your betrayal is shameful, and you know that hardly anything comes from your treacherous actions. However, the more appropriate term would be coons or house niggers! What is more shameful it the scene #45 took office this unseemly behavior has grown exponentially!

I know this post will be disturbing to some because it is disturbing to me. Nonetheless, let me begin by saying, let’s first understand that the police, where most of these people are, was derived and evolved from what “Massa’s” degenerate gang paid to be slave catchers. It is truth and history reports that this gang did despicable things to slaves who tried to escape their bondage. More shameful this gang also included slaves themselves. This has been happening for over four-hundred years, and it has not changed yet.

It is very disheartening and pitiful that today the system still works as it was designed, to protect the system, to control the minds and souls of men in bondage. The propaganda media tells people every day how brave and courageous these goons are, and that they put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve – who? They are little more than corrupt gangsters roaming the streets like thugs.

Sometimes, they will tell you about the generations of cops in their families to justify why they do what the do, abuse, and kill like that is somehow a qualification. However, since the days of the slave catcher, they shot and hung black people in the name of the law. Today, they do the same thing!

Shockingly each day, we see the most horrific acts of terror, from plain murder to beatings and assaults inflicted upon black people, mostly unarmed, black men, women, and children with no consequence to the predator. Except, usually they get a paid vacation that they call administrative leave and then back on the street to continue the mission of keeping black folk in their place!

Sure you are alarmed, maybe outraged at first, but most will forget about the tragic event before the body is cold. You can also expect, some chicken pickin preacher to come forward and say, “be peaceful, nonviolent.” You will pray, forgive the killer or abuser, and say he was only doing his job. I am sure the slaves back in the day did and said some verse out of the Bible like “the Bible says to turn the other cheek”!

We all know #45 has not told the truth about anything he has said about anything but white folk can’t see it. You know as well as I do that was the same thing they do; if it’s white its right or they will change the rules and make it so. They will also tell you about the good work he is doing for the American people. My question is who? More dangerous is that he has hired his hold family and crooks he knows. Neither is a good thing!

If there is any outrage, most black people will sit back and wait for Jesse and Al to come to the rescue, or that Jesus will fix it. They know you are not going to do anything, but talk and surely not react to make this behavior stop! Malcolm, Martin, Denmark Vesey, and I’m sure even Nat Turner are ashamed of you and turning over in their graves. Black people will continue to “forgive those who trust past against you” thinking that one day Jesus will handle it.

No matter how many brainwashed Negropeans – mentally castrated Negroes; you know the few hand picked ones you see in every picture. Slavesplaining will continue as you pray and go along to get a long. Jesse, Al, nor Jesus will not come, and you will be left to suffer in the same position you have been in for four hundred year the way those good white folk intended. Ask yourself this question; when is it time to say, Enough is Enough!!! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Emperor Has No Clothes

1-During the last year or so and in fact the entire career of 45 was “I can do this or that” or I am the only one that can make America great! Well in spite of all his bravado it turns out the clown was full of hot air. I use the phrase hoodwinked because that is what he has done to white people. They have to own this character. The mere fact that this guy bankrupted a casino gave me cause to doubt his abilities. They knew most of his businesses have crumbled, gone bankrupt or failed. Nonetheless, it was their racist views and bigotry for the last president that produced this guy.

His main claim was that he is the master of the deal and said America would be winning so much that we would get tired of winning. Recap: travel ban – failed; repeal Obama Care – failed; cabinet appointments – failures; the wall that Mexico would pay for – not! So when is he going to do anything that is productive and yes we miss Obama! All that he has accomplished as far as I can see is that he plays a lot of golf and put people around him that have no good intentions for the country and spend its money and grandstand. In essence nothing! So far in two months, his administration has been a disaster for America.

I think we all can see now that 45 is a huckster and a masterful con man. He was the biggest anti-Obama critic continuing the racist birther thing and his history of bigotry has now gives people a clear view that he is incompetent, shallow, lazy, and possesses little knowledge of anything other than himself! So for the true believers, you have got to now see you have been had by a con artist. I don’t want to have any input on the Russian situation because it appears to me he is a traitor. And that is my thought provoking perspective…