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Ta-Nehisi Coates Explains Trump And Race

The Trump Disaster

170727-trump-prop-faces-indexI have witnessed atrocities of major proportions; in fact, black people and Native Americans have since white folk has appeared. True of the matter now where on earth they have been having there been anything close to civil. Malcolm said, “They are devils”! It’s been 400 years and nothing has changed and they would argue that there is no racism or discrimination. Even though 45 screamed racism at every turn their tallying cry was Obama was taking the country in the wrong direction and the want their country back!

Prophesy says that just as sure as things begin – they will end. Every day on my facebook stream I see comments’ professing that God is good and that he is a mighty God. My grandma use to say the same thing. Well, he was not good then – nor is he now! Look at the world and especially America. He made it possible for 45 and these so-called preachers tell you, in God’s name, that 45 is good – just give him a chance!

There are many so-called Negroes come out in support of him. I am flabbergasted that today, Dr. King’s son jumped on the Coon train trying to rally to support him. News flash; what has this guy ever done for black people! Just because his father was a martyr does not make him Important or great. True of the matter he can’t get along with his brothers and sisters!

Just look at America; cities flooding, hurricanes ravishing the country, race issues, and sanctioned theorist abound, and we are still stuck in the 1950’s, and we got a racist crook in the White House who has us on the verge of nuclear war! I will say it, many of you fools still waiting and praying to white Jesus – believe what you want but the white man has never done anything but brutalize and rob you! I am dumbfounded that you have not woke up yet. Another thing I hear black folk talking about you being American – you must be insane! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Still Looking For The Great White Hope

mayweather8They are at it again! Since Heavyweight Jack Johnson who was the best boxer in the world more than a hundred years ago; they have been and still searching for the GREAT WHITE HOPE! Last night’s sparring match was no different. The fight was far from professional and how did they give a man who has never had a professional boxing match a fight for some kind of championship?

After all the hype, all the talk, and all the profanity, it simply was unrealistic to believe McGregor, the UFC champion, could beat Mayweather in their pay-per-view showdown last night at the T-Mobile Arena. So no one should have been surprised when Mayweather methodically broke down McGregor before scoring a 10th-round technical knockout. Honestly, I don’t think Mayweather broke a sweat the entire fight!

So what did we learn from this exercise? Well, it was entertaining! The best boxer on the planet and the UFC superstar brought a lot of attention to their respective sports, and those who spent $100 on pay-per-view and thousands to witness the bout in person must not have remembered that there is a sucker born every day. Surely this was not the best boxing has to offer. I guess McGregor was just happy he was still standing at the end.

Mayweather, who scored his first knockout since 2011, looked a bit rusty early on after having not fought in two years. His boxing inexperience showed, especially late in the fight when he tried to clinch. By the end, his face was a sitting target. As a boxing fan, this was a disgrace to me. However, I am glad the black guy got a 100 million dollar payday! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Two Of A Kind

1024x1024Of all the things in the world – I never thought I would be quoting Don King but seeing today’s world he has a point – “Only in America”! I never thought I would see the racism and bigotry of my youth return but with the Trump era – it has returned. If I were to compare the two, ironically, 45 and con-man Don are the same probably why Don endorsed him. There is no doubt that both men have a dubious history at best (according to public accounts). However, they ascribe to the same moniker “Only in America”.

I won’t go so far as to say either Don see everything as racial or black and white. I will say they see everything as green. A con-artist sees capitalism as the way no matter who gets stepped on or in their way. It is all about cash and cash only! They will go anywhere and do anything for a buck.

The history books tell us about their despicable past and so do the boxers and people in the fight game. Don has robbed and taken advantage of every fighter he has been associated with – just think – he robbed Ali! He and the president have been sued by more people, probably, than anyone in history. So where else in the world could this happen but in America?

Not only did Don ripped off Ali but Tyson, Witherspoon and countless others and he made us think he was the greatest promoter on earth and 45 did the same to America. Corruption seemed to be the root of both of their business practices. Fact is to be involved in real estate and boxing one has to have mob affiliations but it is never spoken.

To both their credits, they can sell dreams like any good con-artist. They can pick your pockets, sell you a dream and make you thank them for it while picking your pockets! So I say only in America. They both should be called “the King of lies and naturally when things don’t work out; they both cry foul and become the victim! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The American Disgrace

1-It took me a while to comment on the disaster that is this presidency because there is new drama every day. Although hope springs eternal that the removal from President Trump’s inner circle of a singularly nefarious force who fed many of his worst instincts will result in an administration that’s more competent, less chaotic and less divisive – is a far-fetched dream! Getting rid of these clowns does nothing for the bigotry in the White House or America for that matter. It is purely cosmetic!

The guy who claims to know more than the generals now professed away to solve the Afghan war, which is nothing more than the same strategy used for the last 17 years. Mind you, this is after entertaining a plan to privatize the war for billions! We have a man/child in office that says anything and the amazing this is that white folk believe and support this nonsense. They seem not to understand we’ve seen all this before!

This guy professes to be the greatest and can fix every problem America has, but what has he done? Well – the answer to that is nothing! We are witnessing the greatest money grab in history and everybody can see it. So it comes down to that old adage “White is right”!

I am going to make this short because this guy is such a disaster I would be writing all day. Now, I will close with this – he claims to have a plan and a solution but he can’t tell anyone. That is a statement that makes one think he is a special kind of stupid! God help us! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

This Guy Must Go


Impeach and Remove 45!

The Dark Side Of America

Charlottesville-RallyIt vexes me when white people seem so surprised by their own wretchedness. They seemed so shocked by the behavior of their follow white America’s or could it have been because a white woman was killed! If not, they would have been dancing in the streets. This was the most disgusting behavior displayed in a long time. They saw white folk at their true nature – barbaric!

This nation will long remember with shame and sorrow when white supremacists descended on the college town of Charlottesville, Va.; supposedly in fury over the threatened removal of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee from a park. I will say that and you should know Robert E. Lee was a terrorist just to be clear! These idiots showed up with Nazi slogans, shields. KKK sign without hoods, and anti-Semitic tirades. They injured more than a hundred mostly white people when a deranged member of their ranks sped his car into a crowd and left a woman.

Their President saw it as not an assault or a terrorist act on fellow Americans, but a clash of hate upon hate, violence upon violence, bigotry upon bigotry. Then he issued the most ridiculous statement, he said: “On many sides,” a phrase for the ages. This is what they are taught – racism. If not why would white supremacy lasted four-hundred years? Yes, they have been doing this to us along with the police murder black people – men, women, and children – on average two or three a week. But they all claim to be Christians.

Trump never uttered a word in his remarks and tweets about the nature of the march, the source of provocation nor anything that indicated racism or racism. It clearly was because in an interview late the Grand Wizard of the KKK and the event’s organizer said so. Once torches scare black people but let me let you in on a scared – not anymore. The more shocking part about this was they turned on each other because each wanted to be the biggest racist and the more demonic!

Those white folk who regularly insist that the racists and bigots are a minority of us and that the white-power movement is a marginal and demented faction were proven wrong. Thinking like this and using those kind of statement are what they want you to believe. The mayhem in Charlottesville displayed that this was only a code that is embedded in every white person. However, many came forth with phony and sort of passionate condemnations of blood-and-soil nationalism across the spectrum of ideology.

A president who cannot bring himself to say this immediately and unequivocally squanders any claim to moral leadership. These forms of witnesses were a necessary defense of the American idea and underscored the shamefulness of Trump’s embrace of moral equivalence. There are not, as Trump insisted Saturday, “many sides” to questions that were settled long ago: Racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination, and white supremacy are unequivocally wrong.

Because Trump and many white folk’s inexcusable moral equivalences what actually this event was all about is simply a weak philosophical cover-up of the racism they have in their hearts! As for the president and most white people, they bear his guilt as demonstrated throughout his public life, from his birtherism to his reluctance to turn away 2016 endorsements from Klansmen and other racists.

Nothing has changed and we see that it has not. I have been harshly critical of those black people who support 45 and say things like “our or my country”. I think these fools are INSANE or  uncle toms. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Commentary: A Disaster In Charge

pFJMtgl6S22Xjo6kW27YI am a proud HBC graduate and have earned a Master’s Degree. I was not a political science major, nor am I a republican, democrat, or independent. I would say I am black and gifted with common sense. I said all of that to say since 2002 I have been a professor which taught me to use my critical thinking skills. At the beginning of every class, during my introduction, I made sure that each student know this; “follow the money! If you do you will come to the right conclusion and find the answer”!

It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Therefore, you will find any wrong doing and gage the character of whoever you are dealing with. I know firsthand because I was once married and this character was the absolute worst person on the face of the earth! She was a lying stealing degenerate but one day I realized that love had nothing to do with it and I began to follow the money – so she was done!

I said all of that because white folk are continuing to justify everything the Donald does because of their love, bigotry, and agrees with him for his hatred of Obama. They will have to do as I did chose reality and common sense over what you believe is love. I have to say; there has to be a special kind of stupid to continue the same thing and expect a different result.

This man, 45, lies with every breath and it is obvious. He does not have a stellar history in anything. He has been sued more than almost anyone in America and everyone around him appears to be a crook. But the GOP and these racist are with eyes wide open stick with him and he will either blow up the world or steal the country blind!

I have not had too many legal problems but I do know the when you lies the judge will cancel you argument or nullify your case. I was sued for 10 million dollars and the other guy repeatedly lied and the judge threw out the case.

I was particularly disturbed when this crook spoke with so much sympathy for his former campaign manager whose home was raided by armed FBI agents waking him and his wife up in middle of the night with a warrant. I remember during the crack era they invented a bulldozer type vehicle to go through the walls of a house to raid a black person’s home. I have lived a longtime and can recall white people being so evil they had to put them on a leash to stop their dastardly deeds.

Donald and his gang have stolen untold millions, allegedly, and most of them think it alright because HE IS WHITE and they are doing everything in their power to cover it up! This guy bankrupted a casino, caught in a blatant act of discrimination, and they suspect him of being involved in laundered money; and their line is to us that they have no evidence! All because he wants to make America white again! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

How Much Do You Support Colin Kaepernick

GUFJZwTHXUlOOuD-800x450-noPadMost of the black people I know have an opinion about everything Colin Kaepernick protest and now he is being blackballed. It all began because of what began on August 26, 2016, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat down during the national slave anthem (National Anthem) before the 3rd preseason game of the upcoming 2016 NFL season.  Afterwards he made a bold statement:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Not since the great Muhammad Ali’s who refused to serve in the Vietnam War has any one made a conscious decision by an athlete taking such a direct stance highlighting the injustices of black  people; just like Ali, the reaction to Kaepernick’s stance has been met with passionate responses, often times divided by the color line. White people, of course, they are incensed!

I will proudly say, I am very proud of the man because he risked everything for what he believes and uses his money to backup that belief. Since his protest to a take a knee, he has donated millions to charity toward racial issues. Most of you would not give a homeless man a cup of coffee. However, it has caused many of the million dollar slaves, past and present, to have a mostly negative opinion on the matter – some shameless, I might add!

Best of all, Kaepernick’s protest made the conversation about “racial/police brutality” front-page for the large part of the NFL season, a feat never done before in its history. This is a good thing and most should support the issue of injustice. He made his decision without counsel of any of these people and was brave enough to stand by it. I remember what saw with Muhammad Ali; they stripped him of the championship title, did not allow him to box, and hurt his family. See what they do! End the end history proved that he was correct.

So the owners have black balled Colin. I see your post shared on all over social media. Is that the limit of your support? If that is so – all you are doing is talking loud and saying nothing! I can remember people, black people, did the same in Ali’s case; whisper amongst themselves and did nothing. Or I remember that black people dared not mention the name Malcolm X – let alone be in the same place with him.

If you are appalled by this, then show your power by boycotting the NFL until Kaepernick gets signed to a team or at least given a fair chance. This means to not watch any games, no social media comments about your favorite team before/during/after the games, don’t attend the stadiums, and don’t buy any merchandise which represents the league or your favorite team.

We also understand the purpose of Colin Kaepernick’s protest is FAR more important than any of the games you will ever watch. Simply put, if things stay the same for the way America — where “all men are created equal” — treats people of color, then your loved ones, friends, and children will eventually be affected as well.

Finally, all of us must remember that the NFL never wanted black people to play the game. The Colin Kaepernick situation really shines a light on how much the NFL really cares about the 90% of its Black athletes and you! So if you are not contributing to the problem – shut up! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The New Attack On Affirmative Action

170727-trump-prop-faces-indexIn deciding to challenge race-based affirmative action programs the Trump administration has laid out his view of the future – his claim that white people are being discriminated against. Therefore, and Trump will do to affirmative action what Lincoln did for slavery or so the said – end it. This country has always denied black people anything that would elevate them as human beings. Just remember there was a time in history when reading would be a death sentence!

It will be very tempting for those of us on the left side of the political spectrum to say this is just one more example of Trump beating up on minorities, like the ban on immigration from a number of predominantly Muslim countries, or the ban on transgender people serving in the military, or the administration’s support of state voter suppression laws.

It is important to know that first; they raised the price of college tuition to keep black and other people of color out of institutions of higher learning which was just to make college unaffordable.  So like Obama care, these bigots will revisit this issue again. But there is an important fault line that divides anti-discriminatory measure – they now are claiming that white folk is being discriminated against!

A 2016 Gallup Poll found that 63% of Americans believe that colleges should not consider race even as a minor factor in admissions decisions. In a 2017 Harvard Institute of Politics poll, only 19% of young people approved of giving qualified minorities special preference in hiring and education. Frankly, they should be staunchly pro-diversity; colleges are better when they have students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds and they should champion policies that are more inclusive of disadvantaged students of all races than many current programs are.

Their goal is to take black people back to a segregated society – yes that means Jim Crow! The danger for liberals in defending explicit racial preferences is that that fits neatly into Trump’s argument that the system is rigged.

If ever there were an unfair system, it is the admissions apparatus of selective colleges. Bowen’s research found that alongside racial preferences, recruited athletes receive a 30-percentage-point boost. The children of alumni receive a 20-percentage-point boost.

Low-income students, by contrast, get no preference whatsoever. As a result, those from the richest economic quartile outnumber those from the bottom quarter by 24 to 1 at most selective colleges. At several selective colleges, as many students come from the top 1% of the income distribution as from the bottom 60%.

Progressives should champion a system that eliminates unfair preferences of all kinds, including those for legacy students. Legacy preferences aid the already advantaged and do not, in fact, increase alumni giving. But it’s not enough to point to hypocrisy on the right about legacies; racial preferences should also be transformed to help economically disadvantaged students of all races.

This is an idea the Democratic Presidents have flirted with, but never had the guts to follow through on. In 1995, Bill Clinton briefly called for shifting the basis of affirmative action to economic need. In 2007, Barack Obama said that his own privileged daughters did not deserve a preference in college admissions.

The fact is education is the single most important ingredient necessary to neutralize those forces that breed poverty and despair. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…