Tag Archives: christianity

The Trump Disaster

170727-trump-prop-faces-indexI have witnessed atrocities of major proportions; in fact, black people and Native Americans have since white folk has appeared. True of the matter now where on earth they have been having there been anything close to civil. Malcolm said, “They are devils”! It’s been 400 years and nothing has changed and they would argue that there is no racism or discrimination. Even though 45 screamed racism at every turn their tallying cry was Obama was taking the country in the wrong direction and the want their country back!

Prophesy says that just as sure as things begin – they will end. Every day on my facebook stream I see comments’ professing that God is good and that he is a mighty God. My grandma use to say the same thing. Well, he was not good then – nor is he now! Look at the world and especially America. He made it possible for 45 and these so-called preachers tell you, in God’s name, that 45 is good – just give him a chance!

There are many so-called Negroes come out in support of him. I am flabbergasted that today, Dr. King’s son jumped on the Coon train trying to rally to support him. News flash; what has this guy ever done for black people! Just because his father was a martyr does not make him Important or great. True of the matter he can’t get along with his brothers and sisters!

Just look at America; cities flooding, hurricanes ravishing the country, race issues, and sanctioned theorist abound, and we are still stuck in the 1950’s, and we got a racist crook in the White House who has us on the verge of nuclear war! I will say it, many of you fools still waiting and praying to white Jesus – believe what you want but the white man has never done anything but brutalize and rob you! I am dumbfounded that you have not woke up yet. Another thing I hear black folk talking about you being American – you must be insane! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

They Kill Our Leaders

12208279_10206478427777483_610893809594429317_nIt has always been a mystery to me that black people cannot see or at least do nothing about so many of our past leaders being killed. The question still remains decades after 400 years anyone who seeks to gain a nominal political independence, is murdered? ‘How long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?’ This question was memorably put forward by the iconic Bob Marley so many years ago, but our prophets continue to be killed. It makes you question who our leaders of today are or just sellouts.

One by one, our most steadfast leaders have been eliminated, to the point where Africa is hard-pressed to point out more than three people who are advancing the continental agenda for economic freedom. Almost every single leader who has stood up for Africa’s or black right to economic self-determination has been eliminated – either physically or politically.

Malcolm X died young because of what he believed was the rightful place of the black person in the United States of America – ‘the land of the free’. Fortunately, while these icons may have been physically and/or politically eliminated, their ideas live on. It seems that there is an unwritten rule whether dead or in prison is the end result. All have said something or took some kind of leadership to advance the struggle of black people.

Malcolm X famously said, “if violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her.” Malcolm X was born in poverty in a land that is regarded as the land of the free. Malcolm X grew up in a violent environment.

Nonetheless, he dared to speak truth like no other in his day! Malcolm spoke to me with the blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will. Nut white America saw him as dangerous and thus on February 21, 1965 Malcolm X was shot 16 times by suspected FBI agents while going to address a meeting on African unity.

Some of the people who are now most vocal in their praise of our dead African heroes include many who in the past criticized some of their actions and speeches most savagely while they were still alive. For example, Lumumba and Sankara were taken away from Africa through the connivance of Africans working with outside forces. These men are not alone; they killed Dr. King and Medger along with many others recorder or not.

The reason for the killings of these icons is the same reason why that white supremacy demands it.  Is that why you are silent! And that is my thought provoking perspective…

Wake Up!

Black-Church-600x395I am sure most people, like myself, have wondered how can “so few people control so many people.” People of color are the majority of people on the planet. I am sickened that whatever “they” tell up most believe – when in fact all of it is a lie. They created God, heaven, and hell to make you follow their deceitful ways.

Nobody really knows how long the earth has existed or how long people have been on it. However, they say Billions of years but they have convinced us that it all began about 2000 years ago with the advent of religion, which are all white lies! I remember back in the day, my poor old Grandma would walk around singing hymns and telling my God is good as many do today, all the while she did not have a pot nor a window but she believed their God would save her. Not only did she believe so strongly that she would give her last dime in the name of God to the church.

I have asked, if God was so good then why would he allow murder, wars and have create the people Malcolm referred to as devils? Let’s be clear, somebody had to create religion and this word God, which was used then and now to enslave people. This concept is the world’s great deception! Ask yourself, who was that and the answer is white people or the people of the devil? And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Day After The Celebration

triggeredOn the day after “they” celebrated “their” freedom; nothing has changed! We must not lose sight of the fact that black people or women were not included in the Constitution. Every day of our lives the people of America has been bombarded with the phrase “America is the land of the free” or home of the brave and my favorite “we are FREE” when the truth is we are not and most have never been anywhere to compare what is true or real while most are not really that brave.

The so-called founders and signers of the Declaration of Independence were highly imperfect men. Thomas Jefferson and his fellow Southerners were rank hypocrites for declaring that “all men are created equal” while owning men, women, and children as their slaves. John Adams was sour and disputatious, and later as president would sign the Sedition Act cracking down on criticism of the government. John Hancock was accused of amassing his fortune through smuggling. Benjamin Franklin could have been described as kind of a dirty old man.

Yet they laid out a set of principles, later codified in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights amazingly transcended their flaws. At this bizarre moment in history, it is useful to remember that the ideas and institutions of the American experiment are much more powerful and enduring than the idiosyncrasies of our leaders.

I call this moment bizarre for obvious reasons. Thomas Paine wrote in December 1776: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Looking at today, we have a president who neither understands nor respects the basic norms of American democracy. Make no mistake: Donald Trump is a true aberration. There is no figure like him in U.S. history, for which we should be thankful. However, the more disparaging fact is that he is just the latest vision of what these men were like!

I would argue that men like him, for rich – white men, always manipulated the system in America and always under the guise of Christianity for the so-called Christians. Just like his forefathers, 45 only purpose is to rob the people and to benefit a few like him and his children. Frankly, America’s history is dismal filled with the horrors  of slavery being the worst. Then Jim Crow, segregation, and the evils of today. Not to mention that there have been many bad presidents – yes – but never have anyone seen one like this! America has fallen and it looks like the end is near! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Why Have We Not Awakened?

thFirst, let’s be clear America is known the world over as a white country and racist history. With that said, it was stolen for – all the rules and laws – are designed to benefit white people. Malcolm called them devils and if you look at the facts, he makes a very good point. Everywhere they have been on earth they have robbed, assaulted, and murdered people of color – fact. This behavior is ever presence today, things have not changed today.

Everyone should know this history; just ask yourself – why has it taken 400 years to correct the evils they have done and doing. In today’s world, we see black people killed, murdered, at the hands of the so-called the law where in many cases the cop is rewarded with a vacation and a huge sum of money when that is over. Now what is despicable is that these are women and children! This is what they have done from this time we arrived in this country as property.

There is probably no accurate number to reflect how many black people were murdered and killed at the hands of these folk but they have a stat for everything else. Even if there is a tragedy involving them one would think that it was the murdered person’s fault. The number one rule of white supremacy is to never allow a black man to rise to a level of respect and honor! In fact, there is a statue on the books that says “there is no right that a black man has that a white man is bound to respect”.

My point is; if a black person rises to a level of prominence or speaks out he or she has two choices – (1) sell out his people or (2) they kill that person – the United States government fears anyone who can organize Black Liberation. The evidence of their sins and crimes against black people is overwhelming and the evidence is clear – yet most are so brainwashed that we do nothing. Their key is to divide us, divide and conquer, and my question is; WHY CAN’T WE NOT SEE IT? Especially, when we now have a racist as president who basically could not play die in a cowboy’s movie!

There is plenty of evidence like a poor little black boy who they imposed such hate & evil on this innocent kid. They were so eager to kill him but he was too small for the electric chair so they sat him on top of his own Bible! Of course, we know about the killing of little Emmett Till,  Martin, and the long list of others both men and women. Yet they claim they are Christian! What a disgrace. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Did You Know King James: The Man – The Bible

1-Did you know KING JAMES was a murderer, he killed his mother, a sexual deviant, homosexual, and in short an evil man. So how many of you good Christians knew this about the man who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated to loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. “The king leans on his [Carr’s] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others.” (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)

Carr eventually ended the relationship after which the king expressed his dissatisfaction in a letter to Carr, “I leave out of this reckoning your long creeping back and withdrawing yourself from lying in my chamber, notwithstanding my many hundred times earnest soliciting you to the contrary… Remember that (since I am king) all your being, except your breathing and soul, is from me.” (See The Letters of King James I & VI, ed., G. P. V. Akrigg, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1984. Also see Royal Family, Royal Lovers: King James of England and Scotland, David M. Bergeron, Univ. of Missouri Press, 1991)

King James’ favorite male lovers were the Earl of Somerset and the Duke of Buckingham to which he named a castle after. – Ben Edward Akerly, The X-rated Bible

James’s sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying “King Elizabeth” had been succeeded by “Queen James.” – Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

King James 1 was a known homosexual who murdered his young lovers and victimized countless heretics and women. His cruelty was justified by his “divine right” of kings. – Otto J. Scott, James the First

Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was “newly translated out of the original tongues,” the work was actually a revision of The Bishop’s Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.

Desiderius Erasmus was a “Christian humanist” who collected Greek (and Latin) New Testament manuscripts and compared and edited them, verse by verse, selecting what he considered to be the best variant passages, until he had compiled what came to be known as the “textus receptus.” Early English translations of the Bible, like those mentioned above, were based on his “textus receptus.” Erasmus was also a monk whom some historians believe engaged in homosexual activities.

But without both King James and Erasmus, the most widely touted Bible in Christian history would never have been produced, the KJV (or shall we say, Gay-JV?) Bible.

A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James’s every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers “sweet child and wife” and referred to himself as “your dear dad and husband.” But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

The first of the king’s minions was Robert Carr, Groom of the Bedchamber, who the king elevated to earl of Somerset and appointed Lord Chamberlain. After six years of favors and royal gifts Carr was brought low, accused of murder and sent away from court. The second and greatest royal favorite, the extraordinarily handsome George Villiers, rose from cupbearer to Gentleman of the Bedchamber and ultimately to Earl of Buckingham.

“I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else,” James announced to his councilors, “and more than you who are here assembled.” He compared his love for the earl to Jesus’s affection for the “beloved disciple” John. “Jesus Christ did the same,” the king said, “and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his John, and I have my George.”

With such pronouncements King James seemed to reach a new level of outrage, especially when he compounded his offense, in the view of many, by heaping Buckingham with costly jewels, lands, and lucrative offices.

For those who claim to read the Bible it say right on the cover that the book is “King James Version”! There is so much more about the King which will astound you. I always suggest that you do your research and know the people you claim to worship and follow. In most cases you will be surprised! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

White Lies: Now Alternative Facts

12144741_10206757597917424_4073909058159467606_nThe people who stole so much of world and its heritage have caused so much terror around the world will tell the story, not His-Story as if all of the facts were just little white lies as they believe. They have invented a new word called “reverse racism” to justify what they’ve done and used His-Story to sanitize it. The definition of a white lie is something often trivial, diplomatic, or simply a well-intended untruth; in other words a story they call inconsequential to facts that they now call alternative facts!

If anyone does not believe white folks are unaware that the system established by their forefathers is designed to benefit them; meaning white privilege and maintaining White Supremacy for eternity. See everybody dies so it is about taking and having enough wealth for their children. Frankly, anyone who can’t see that deserves to be in the condition they are in and to be called a house Negro. So when they smile in your face and tell you to be happy and thank Jesus – don’t believe the hype!

From the very beginning, they set out to control the system by eliminating the people who were already here in America and took their land by force. Yeah, they told them to accept the Bible or we will take whatever they wanted with a gun. What they did was as close to genocide, in most cases, for the people on lands they conquered. Next, they stole people from Africa and made them slaves to build a nation on this stolen land. Of course, they used nice sounding words to make it sound as if what they did was moral and right, and if the words Constitution or Patriotism did or do not work they will use Jesus or God!

Oh, can’t leave out Manifest Destiny, which means all that they could steal and God gave them the right to do so! If you can remember, they used Christianity to justify slavery. The Klan claims Christianity as the foundation of their justification of terror and hatred. Make no mistake white folk know racism is the driving force behind this system of power that is motivated by White Supremacy!

These people knew then, and they know now, that the first human being on the planet was black and the Africans they stole were much smarter than they were. The first people practiced a true religion, to which they stole and Europeanized it to make everyone in the Bible White. The African built pyramid, performed brain surgery, invented mathematics, established and operated colleges – long before the European wore a shoe or underwear. In fact, the Europeans were living in caves and plagued with disease! Let me say clearly and emphatically, there is no evidence anywhere on earth that says black people lived in caves.

One of the first lies told was written in the country’s founding documents that said, “All men are created equal.” Since then there have been countless laws enacted with the expressed intent to suppress, control, and make ensure the stolen African and their descendants remained a permanent underclass for perpetuity. In fact, there was one ruling rendered by the Supreme Court that said, “There is no right a black man has that a white man is bound to respect.”  Even the good Dr. King said, “they were the greatest purveyor of evil on the planet”. He was murdered for that!

I will say what the white man in America has done and did since he stole this nation would make Hitler blush. Today, they talk so vehemently about terror, but these folk has perpetrated and inflicted terror on mass more than any other people on the planet. Let’s not forget through all of this they continued to use the word freedom and liberty. NEWS FLASH, black people have never had anything close to the meaning of either term, and they know it.

It was never their intent to include the people stolen from Africa or their descendants to be part of what they call democracy. Rather, they lynched, murdered, raped and robbed black people and all other people who are non-white. I will repeat; these folk have inflicted the most horrific terror in the history of the world, yes more than any other people. However, what makes this evil so atrocious is that they justify it in the name of GOD!

I use a phrase that aptly applies, “the sins of their fathers” and therefore if there is a God to which they have imposed upon so many; judgment will be harsh and Jesus will not be happy! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


Who Or What Is God?

1One of life’s eternal and important questions has been since the beginning of time is the question who or what is GOD? God is conceived of as the Supreme Being and the principal object of faith. The concept of God as described by most theologians include the attributes of infinite knowledge, unlimited power, present everywhere, being all things good, and as having an eternal necessary existence to which most religions refer to God in such terms as “Him” or “Father”.

I don’t know for sure, if the creator is a male or female, its gender or race, and frankly, if he or she even exists but I do know something greater than a human created the universe and the many marvels therein. The problem I think is that of the 1500 different religions, most have chosen or created their own version of God and this makes for fraud and deception. To that point, I have known many so-called messengers or chosen people supposedly sent to deliver his “Word of God” and most were poor excuses for human beings; let alone people of moral standing.

I can remember a preacher when I was a child, who was nothing but a hustler told me “son I do this because there is a lot of money in the word of God”. I never understood this until I was a grown and a businessman, which exposed me to the corruption in the system of faith. They, most, are trained to take from the needy to benefit the greedy and this can be done by using the word God and it works. I don’t know anyone God has spoken too – not one man ever and if these folk tell you God did – they are lying.

I will readily admit that I am suspicious of white folk; they have never told us the truth about anything. During slavery, they made people slaves, beat, raped, hung, and worked black people to death with a promise that when they die they would go to a special place where they will get their reward. So why should I expect them to tell the truth concerning my salvation? When there is talk of God it is usually a focus on the sky, where there is supposedly a place called heaven. I don’t want to offend anyone but for all the people who claim to be godly and think they are going to heaven – I don’t want to go to that place if they are going to this mythical place!

In some religions, God is not believed to exist, while God is deemed unknown or unknowable within the context of agnosticism. God has also been conceived as the source of all moral obligations to the “greatest conceivable existent”. Many notable philosophers and humans have developed arguments for and against the existence of God. In fact, there have been men who actually convince other men and women that they were actually God in the flesh!

Hence, there are many names for God and different names are attached to different cultural ideas about God’s identity and attributes. In the ancient times, in Egypt, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten with the premise of being the one “true” Supreme Being and creator of the universe. In the Hebrew Bible and Judaism, “He Who Is”, “I Am that I Am”, and the Hebrew says “I am who I am”; “He Who Exists” are used as names of God, while Yahweh and Jehovah are sometimes used, whereas in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, God, consubstantial in three persons, is called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Muslims have a multitude of titular names for God, namely Allah.

There are many different conceptions of God and competing claims as to what or who God is, which is confounding in many ways. For me, being suspicious of white folk, it appears they wrote the biblical stories or more likely stole the words from another culture, project the image of God being white with all the angel white suggest something is amidst at work. Many perennial philosophies, which believe that there is one underlying theological truth, of which all religions express a partial understanding; “the devout in the various great world religions are in fact worshipping that one God but through different, overlapping concepts or mental images of Him.

I know there are some willing workers out there who can enlighten me on this topic! Can you explain to me what is your relationship to God and tell me who he or she is? Thoughtfully, submitted with hope that someone can answer the question. Personally, I am of the opinion that “if you know thyself you will then know God”! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…