Tag Archives: police brutality

Did You Know: The Casual Killing Act

trumpcare2Back in the day, you know the place they mean when they say “take our country back” too; when racism was more blatant than today. The crimes of white folk against our people were so extreme that a law was required to ease their conscious for murdering black people. We know there are many crimes with one sanctioned by the Supreme Court, which ruled “there is no right that a black man has that a white man is bound to respect! Including the person’s right to life.

In 1669, an act was passed in Virginia called the casual killing Act so they could kill a black person without consequences.  The law established so that “if any slave resists his master and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death should not be a felony or punishable offense. Therefore, as history tells us we have lived through some troubling times and always in the name of God. Today, with the rise of the “alt-right” and its spiteful, vitriolic rhetoric seek to make naked racism, hatred, and misogyny acceptable again — even fashionable. Suddenly, it’s okay to hang nooses, beat up minorities, abuse women, body-slam reporters and threaten lynchings. Which the murder of unarmed black citizens is today’s equivalent.

The Casual Kill Act came into existence in October 1669 supposedly to give legal cover for the murder of slaves. Whereas the only law in force for the punishment of refractory servants resisting their master, mistress or overseer cannot be inflicted upon Negroes, nor the obstinacy of many of them by other than violent means suppressed, Be it enacted and declared by this grand assembly, if any slave resist his master (or others by his masters order correcting him) and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death shall not be considered a felony, but the master (or that other person appointed by the master to punish him) be acquitted from molestation, since it cannot be presumed that malice existed(which alone makes murder a felony) [or that anything] should induce any man to destroy his own estate.

If you were to compare the police to the slave catchers and those who run the system as overseers; you will see clearly why hardly ever does a policeman get convicted of murder for their deadly acts that result in murder. From this horrible act comes all of the murders, lynchings, rapes, and crimes inflicted by the people of the other hue with impunity! So to make sense of these continued kills – they have been given license to do so by law!

The murder and elimination of black people are built into the system – as they have tried to destroy and eliminate black people since that day in 1619 when they dragged us onto the shores of this evil place they called “merica”! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Fight The Power!

PhotoFunia-2c3d3a4In the 1960s, the main mission was to obtain the freedom for black people. The symbol of solidarity was a raised clenched fist and the chant was “power to the people”. This sign of unity was also a sign of respect for one another.

It was a glorious time for Black America in the late 1960s because for a brief moment, it was awakened, they stand a stand and showed bravery as courageous black men and women demonstrate their pride for being black and began to acknowledge the greatness in their blackness.

During those days, there was an ill-fated war where the government drafted millions of black men during the Vietnam War. I can recall those fought and served were soon forgotten, but those who did were proud enough to take a stand by chanting “fight the power”! The response from the power, however, was told “America Love it or Leave it.” First, where were black people suppose to go? They took us from our place of origin, enslaved all brought here, and created a new race of people calling them Negro. So, the chant and the raised fist was a symbolic statement – “say it loud I am black, and I am proud”.

Looking back, I think what we learned was that the philosophy prescribed to us by the system and a continuous stream of unanswered questions and lies; like we see today with several wars, police brutality and blatant racism. The foundation of the civil rights movement was supported by a religious ideology full of unquestioned answers fooling people into the idea that all you need to do is just pray. While the system used the tried and true strategy of divide and conquer to kill the movement.

The movement’s protest strategy of marching in the 1950s resulted in a few crumbs after unrest and rage produce fear in the majority community – in other words among the powers that be. In those days, “they” could control information via what were virtually state-owned newspapers and the two or three television networks. The unrest of those days were rooted in racism, as is today, but today the genie is out of the bottle because of this thing called social media and video cameras in the hands of almost everyone. Think about it – it was social media that caused the Arab Spring uprising that toppled several regimes and dictators.

The American super-power was involved preaching morality and trying to impose democracy all over the world while doing unspeakable horrors at home and abroad. The government released a Senate Terror Report, which clearly appeared as if it was America that was the terrorist sponsored by the state. I will say as a person of color and a descendant of slaves, America never had any moral authority to advise or dictate anything close to a moral or human high-ground toward or for black people. Regarding what they released, black people have seen much of the same terror inflicted upon them right here at home under its apartheid-like system.

They system has not changed; NO – it’s still all about money. What I see that is different, however, is that the entire world sees and knows what is being done to black people in America and that what black America has been saying all along is true and a fact. However, the movement of this generation, Black Live Matters is speaking truth to power and is courageous enough to take a stand against racism and injustice. This movement comes with people of all stripes, colors, and creeds protesting around the world.

What we saw in the 1960s was more of a rehearsal for what some called a revolution. Brother Gil Scott-Heron called it “Winter in America” and he told us that the revolution will not be televised. There was a revolution, however, they called it the Arab Spring and it was televised! Gill appeared, at the time to be on to something. Hence, the government used tools like CONINTELPRO to cripple and killed any such notion. Now, as we can see today resulting from the atrocities of government agencies and police human-rights violations “the revolution is being televised”.

Let me add this about empires and religion, the Republicans, as did the Romans before them, cheered on the Lions, as the Christians were being fed to them in giant arenas for pure spectator enjoyment. Sort of like those lynching of black men and police killing of late. What these people are doing to black people in the streets of America in the name of “justice” is no different from what was done by the Roman state against its people. Remember how that turned out.

To those who have and are charged with killing and brutalizing people of color and the least of thee; I say to you – there’s no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good about racism or the war upon black and brown communities – it is simply Hypocrisy!

History tells us that those who make peaceful revolution impossible or fail to change a system when it is broken will make violent revolution inevitable. In the 1960s, they stopped using lynching and used fire hoses and dogs. Today, they use the police to shoot and kill. So I say, Fight the Power! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…



The Aftermath Of Integration

1I recently had a conversation with a group of young people, none of which lived during the age of government segregation. Each had strongly convoluted opinions about the era that were not based in fact. This made me think about how much the current world view has changed the reality of black life, as it relates to a historical perspective.

First, white folk never wanted it and chatted go back to Africa at the time. It was never intended to be fair or equal! I am not suggesting that integration should not have happened, but it did have a negative impact on black life and the future of African Americans in many ways. Two prominent ways were in the areas of family and black business.

One thing that happened, for sure was that the black community stopped supporting the businesses in their own communities. After segregation, African Americans flocked to support businesses owned by whites and other groups, causing black restaurants, theaters, insurance companies, banks, etc. to almost disappear. Today, black people spend 95 percent of their income at white-owned businesses. Even though the number of black firms has grown 60.5 percent between 2002 and 2007, they only make up 7 percent of all U.S firms and less than .005 percent of all U.S business receipts.

I took the opportunity to educate these young people that in 1865, just after Emancipation, 476,748 free blacks – 1.5 percent of U.S. population– owned .005 percent of the total wealth of the United States. Today, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, 44.5 million African Americans – 14.2 percent of the population — possess a meager 1 percent of the national wealth.

If we look at relationships from 1890 to 1950, black women married at higher rates than white women, despite a consistent shortage of black males due to their higher mortality rate. According to a report released by the Washington DC-based think tank the Urban Institute, the state of the African American family is worse today than it was in the 1960s, four years before President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act.

In 1965, only 8 percent of childbirths in the black community occurred out of wedlock. In 2010, out-of-wedlock childbirths in the black community are at an astonishing 72 percent. Researchers Heather Ross and Isabel Sawhill argue that the marital stability is directly related to the husband’s relative socio-economic standing and the size of the earnings difference between men and women.

Instead of focusing on maintaining black male employment to allow them to provide for their families, Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act with full affirmative action for women. The act benefited mostly white women and created a welfare system that encouraged the removal of the black male from the home. Many black men were also dislodged from their families and pushed into the rapidly expanding prison industrial complex that developed in the wake of rising unemployment.

Since integration, the unemployment rate of black men has been spiraling out of control. In 1954, white men had a zero percent unemployment rate, while African-American men experienced a 4 percent rate. By 2010, it was at 16.7 percent for Black men compared to 7.7 percent for white men. The workforce in 1954 was 79 percent African American. By 2011, that number had decreased to 57 percent. The number of employed black women, however, has increased. In 1954, 43 percent of African American women had jobs. By 2011, 54 percent of black women are job holders.

The Civil Rights Movement pushed for laws that would create a colorblind society, where people would not be restricted from access to education, jobs, voting, travel, public accommodations, or housing because of race. However, the legislation did nothing to eradicate white privilege. Michael K. Brown, professor of politics at University of California Santa Cruz, and co-author of“Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society” says in the U.S., “The color of one’s skin still determines success or failure, poverty or affluence, illness or health, prison or college.”

Two percent of all working African Americans work for another African American’s within their own neighborhood. Because of this, professionally trained Black people provide very little economic benefit to the black community. Whereas, prior to integration that number was significantly higher because of segregation people in the black community supported each other to sustain their lives and families.

The Black median household income is about 64 percent that of whites, while the Black median wealth is about 16 percent that of whites. Millions of Black children are being miseducated by people who don’t care about them, and they are unable to compete academically with their peers. At the same time, the criminal justice system has declared war on young Black men with policies such as “stop and frisk” and “three strikes.”

Marcus Garvey warned about this saying:

“Lagging behind in the van of civilization will not prove our higher abilities. Being subservient to the will and caprice of progressive races will not prove anything superior in us. Being satisfied to drink of the dregs from the cup of human progress will not demonstrate our fitness as a people to exist alongside of others, but when of our own initiative we strike out to build industries, governments, and ultimately empires, then and only then will we as a race prove to our Creator and to man in general that we are fit to survive and capable of shaping our own destiny.”

Maybe this proves that once past truths are forgotten, and the myths that are lies are born with an unfounded reality detrimental to all, but those who seek to benefit. As I have often said, “I firmly believe education is the single most important ingredient necessary to neutralize those forces that breed poverty and despair. We can change the world but first, we must change ourselves.” And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Twitter @JohnTWills

Source: Black Atlanta Star

Justice Denied: Not Deferred

2Since the beginning of recorded history, there has never been justice for the least of thee! This was never more evident than the treatment of black people. These people were enslaved and castigated from that horrible day the first twenty were dragged onto the shores of this place they call “merica”! They, white folk, claim to be so righteous and godly but their history shows anything of the sort. It’s been about four- hundred years now and nothing has changed; yet they want to transplant this form of injustice around the world as they did with apartheid!

They have lied in tell the histories story via what I call his-story which is a pack of omissions and lies fed to the unsuspecting and unknowledgeable people as truth. The problem is today technology is such most of the evil they have perpetrated cannot be so easily hidden, but somehow they still convince people that they should not believe what this see or their lying eyes!

Over the last few years, almost weekly we have police killing with no results from the system concerning justice. This includes unarmed men, women, and children mostly all black under color of law. Now the killing of a twelve-year-old is despicable, and frankly, a dog murdered in such away would get more justice and bring about a conviction. But the outcome in the affected communities lasts a few days, a few social media posts, and in effect nothing!

This brings me to the most recent atrocity – a North Carolina Jury Deadlocked in the case of Michael Slager. They claim justice is all about honesty and transparency when the fact is justice is blind and in this case blind as a bat! I’m all out of optimism and hope because the evidence shows this former office kill this man running away in the back, lied about what he did, and tried to plant evidence on the murdered man’s body. Millions of people saw this, and this jury could not find him guilty, and there are people who continually tell us that all is fair in the name of justice and the “police are the heroes.

No injustice, no single case of police brutality, was clearer and better documented than Officer Michael Slager repeatedly shooting Walter Scott, an unarmed black man in North Charleston, S.C., in the back as he ran far away. This case was filmed in real time by a bystander’s cell phone, an actual live witness, who was on his way to work and tens of millions of us saw the injustice with our own eyes. It was an execution.

After Slager had shot the fleeing man in broad daylight, he appeared to plant a Taser next to him. His story would later be that he shot Scott, a beloved veteran, and father because Scott stole the Taser, which was all a lie. Scott was running for his life. Knowing what we know now, he may have very well sensed that he was in immediate danger of being killed by Slager. Whatever the case, even though Scott was more than a dozen feet away, Slager aimed and repeatedly shot the man in his back and killed him.

After Slager fired the shots, he made no effort to show even a morsel of care, concern or urgency about the victim. The North Charleston Police Department did the right thing and fired him that same week. The video was indisputable proof for their white police chief to make such a decision. Prosecutors there did not drag their feet either. They charged Slager with murder, but also gave the eventual jury the option to convict on a lesser charge.

Now the result of Slager trial is that the jury is deadlocked or simply put could come to a decision on a conviction of guilt. If this is final, a mistrial will be declared. This was a heinous murder of Walter Scott that we all saw, which has shaken my resolve or any respect for our justice system. He shot a fleeing man in the back in cold blood. It was filmed. Not only did activists believe it to be an injustice, but local police and prosecutors also agreed.

Nonetheless, here we are. In what should have been an open and shut case that produced a certain conviction, we are learning that for somebody, the idea of convicting a white cop of killing a fleeing black man is simply an impossibility that we have now learn was a white juror. What has changed in this place the slaves called “merica”? and that’s my thought provoking perspective…

On This Day: They Assassinated Chairman Fred Hampton

11There have been countless murders of black men, since the founding of America, but the assassination of Fred Hampton speaks loudly to the abuse and corruption of the American police departments. Since the Nat Turner Incident they, white folk, will never allow a black person to rise with suburb leadership skills. History demonstrates the penalty for such a strong black man is death!

On December 4th, 1969, Fred Hampton, an African American activist, and deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party was murdered. Chairman Fred was assassinated while slept in his apartment during a raid by a tactical unit of the Cook County, Illinois State’s Attorney’s Office, in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This activity was in concert by the infamous seditious FBI program known as COINTELPRO designed to eliminate activist deemed by its director as “subversive.”

A public statement made to the news media a day after the assassination by FBI Special Agent Gregg York, “We expected about twenty Panthers to be in the apartment when the police raided the place. Only two of those black niggers were killed, Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.”

Chairman Fred, as he was known, was successful and revered for organizing young African Americans for the NAACP. He was quickly attracted to the Black Panthers’ approach, which was based on a ten-point program of a mix of black designed for the survival of the black community. Chairman Fred joined the Party’s nascent Illinois chapter SNCC’s organizer Bob Brown in late 1967.

Over the next year, Hampton and his associates made a number of significant achievements in Chicago. Perhaps his most important accomplishment was his brokering of a nonaggression pact between Chicago’s most powerful street gangs. Emphasizing that racial and ethnic conflict between gangs would only keep its members entrenched in poverty, he strove to forge a class-conscious, multi-racial alliance between the Panther Party, the Young Patriots, and the National Young Lords. Soon after the pact was formed they were joined by the Students for a Democratic Society, the Blackstone Rangers, the Brown Berets, and the Red Guard.

In May 1969, Hampton called a press conference to announce that a truce had been declared among this “rainbow coalition,” a phrase coined by Hampton and made popular later by Jesse Jackson. Jackson eventually appropriated the name in forming his own unrelated coalition – Rainbow/Push. This achievement marked him as a major threat in the eyes of the FBI, signaled his death.

Subsequent investigations have shown that FBI chief Hoover was determined to prevent the formation of a cohesive Black movement in the United States “by any means necessary. Hoover saw the Panthers, and similar radical coalitions forged by Hampton in Chicago, as a frightening stepping stone toward the creation of just such a revolutionary body that could cause a radical change in the U.S. government. They opened a file on Hampton in 1967 that over the next two years expanded to twelve volumes and over four thousand pages.

By May of that year, Chairman Fred’s name was placed on the “Agitator Index,” and he would be designated a “key militant leader for Bureau reporting purposes. In late 1968, the Racial Matters Squad of the FBI’s Chicago field office brought in an individual named William O’Neal, who had recently been arrested twice, for interstate car theft and impersonating a federal officer.

In exchange for dropping the felony charges and a monthly stipend, O’Neal apparently agreed to infiltrate the Black Panther Party as a counterintelligence operative. He joined the Party and quickly rose in the organization, becoming Director of Chapter security and Hampton’s bodyguard.

In 1969, the FBI Special Agent in San Francisco wrote Hoover that his investigation of the Black Panther Party revealed that in his city, at least, the Panthers were primarily feeding breakfast to children. Hoover fired back a memo implying the career ambitions of the agent were directly related to his supplying evidence to support Hoover’s view of the Panthers was “a violence-prone organization seeking to overthrow the Government by revolutionary means.”

Hoover was willing to use false claims to attack his political enemies. In one memo, he wrote: “Purpose of counterintelligence action is to disrupt the BPP, and it is immaterial whether facts exist to substantiate the charge.” Using anonymous letters, the FBI sowed distrust and eventually instigated a split between the Panthers and the Rangers, with O’Neal himself instigating an armed clash between the two on April 2, 1969. The Panthers became effectively isolated from their power base, so the FBI went to work to undermine its ties with other radical organizations.


O’Neal was instructed to “create a rift” between the Party and Students for a Democratic Society, whose Chicago headquarters was only blocks from that of the Panthers. The Bureau released a batch of racist cartoons in the Panther’s’ name, aimed at alienating white activists, and launched a disinformation program to forestall the realization of the “Rainbow Coalition.”

In repeated directives, J. Edgar Hoover demanded that the COINTELPRO personnel “destroy what the Black Panther Party stands for” and “eradicate its “serve the people programs”. In early October, Hampton and his girlfriend, Deborah Johnson, pregnant with their first child, rented a four-and-a-half room apartment at 2337 West Monroe Street to be closer to Black Panther Party headquarters.

O’Neal reported to his superiors that much of the Panthers’ “provocative” stockpile of arms was being stored there. None of which was true but the paid government informant played the role of Judas bringing the powers of the state to kill him. To see how far great powers will go is shocking and a moral shame. Yet, it continues today with all the police killings of black people! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Search For Justice

200x200Black People, Native Americans, and other so-called minorities have prayed, marched, protested, and in search of justice, probably since time began; certainly since white supremacy ruled the world. There have been this movement or that, a group or two who fought for justice supposedly but in the hundreds of years of so-call civilization one who think we might have found some symbolic of this they call Liberty for the least of thee! However, history has proven this has not been the case.

There was the Abolition Movement, the Niagara Movement, and the Civil Rights Movement; today there is the Black Lives Matter Movement that has brought much-needed attention to the disparity in the way terror is inflicted on these groups of people. The criminal justice system treats African Americans dreadfully. But seemingly, all of movements have only made minimal strides in the brown people’s quest for justice. Case in point, the police still kill unarmed black man, women, and children with regard for consequences.

So why is it that in four hundred years of terror there is no solutions? In the United States today, the civil justice system is the last line of defense for people wronged who have faced discrimination or abuse from the system. Lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits have been the most effective way to force recalcitrant governments, institutions, and individuals to take action against harm and/or terror arising from discriminatory and racial acts of violence.

Of course knowing that the system is designed to protect the system courthouses are not open to all. The way cases are handled can intentionally throw up barriers to justice. The main reason I would say few people can afford to pay a good attorney to handle their particular matter. One thing the OJ case showed was that if you have the means, it does not matter the crime – you will walk. Other than OJ, for most black folk, the problem is even worse. Most of us cannot afford what it cost to price of justice.

What is more appalling is that in all these years not one of the so-called leader have focused on building an organization to defend those they claim to help. In most cases, I would argue they are being paid by the very system we fight. Every other ethnic group has an arm or association to defend their people, but not the least of thee; black folk and Native Americans. For example look at what is happening with the Standing Rock protests!

Black folk has been marching for eons and what has been the result – sore feet and that good old Christian fellowship – hymns and prayers. But black folk have to deal with another dangerous issue, which is if the case gets to a trial and it takes a long time the bigger issue is jurors are particularly sensitive to cases involving race because of the racial makeup, beliefs, and prejudices. Which means race will make them look at race as not credible, or doesn’t believe that race was a factor.

So let’s say your child was gunned down like Tamir Rice – think about how long ago that was and still no justice! There are deep-seated flaws in the civil and criminal justice system that should not be ignored. Race matter and the outcome or a search for justice directly affects the outcome. A Supreme Court Justice wrote in his remarks in the case of Plessey v. Ferguson that “there are no rights a black man has that a white man is bound to respect.”

They people, black people in particular, thinking just wait till you die and the Heavenly Father will work it out and take care of you. Not – dead is dead! I am one who believes the answer to the problem of injustice is simple – boycott. Do not spend you many with those who disrespect you and violate your interest! Until then we will never overcome! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Hypocrisy Of Democracy

001I had a Granddaddy that I loved more than life itself. This man was never formally educated, yet he was brilliant because he had a special wisdom that was common sense. I posted an article some time ago called “Granddaddy’s Lessons” where I shared some of the wisdom I learned from him. He used to recite some witty sayings as he guided me into manhood, like “even a fool makes sense sometimes” and my favorite was “never argue with a fool.” Rarely have I ever questioned “Pop’s” wisdom, but witnessing the behavior of many rooted in racism from today’s so-conservatives I am reminded of the once thought dead “Citizens Counsels.” But just as things change they remain the same. Today we have a man named Trump!

While growing up, my grandfather would shield me from the wretchedness and evils of racism. However, I was old enough to witness the brutality of peaceful demonstrations by black people on television in the early sixties begging for not just civil rights but human rights. This was to include things like the church bombing that killed four little girls, police attacking marchers with dogs, the trampling of black people on horseback on Bloody Sunday, beatings and assaulting black people with high-pressure water hoses.

I would ask Pops, why white people did those things to us. He would say, “Those acts were the lawlessness of the bigotry and hatred of us” and nothing more than the hypocrisy of democracy. Today, as I recall those dreadful horrors inflicted upon human beings of color for what they said was to uphold the “Law.” It seems eerily similar to the atmosphere and mentality of the time we now see in the world we live in today where the plan is still to eliminate our race.

Now that I have matured, I better understand that there is a philosophy that enables racism to exist. What we thought was removed from the consciousness of the American dogma was simply lying dormant. Therefore, in order to understand the current political environment that is affecting and polarizing society, we must ask the question; is what we see conservatism or racism? To answer that question; here is Webster’s definition of both words:

Conservatism: a disposition in politics to preserve what is established b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically: such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs.

Racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference produces an inherent superiority of a particular race. 2: racial prejudice or discrimination.

Congressman John Lewis, who was beaten nearly to death on Bloody Sunday was assaulted with racial epithets and spit on – on the steps of the Nation’s Capital, which is the symbol, supposedly, of the freest nation on earth. Bricks were thrown through windows, death threats and other threatening messages have been made to Congressman, Government Officials, and threats against the President are the norm. President Obama continues to receive an unprecedented amount of death threats, insulted with disrespectful caricatures and referred to as the Antichrist. I would say this in the manifestation of hatred that is pure evil.

There is talk of secession, remember how well that worked out, it was called the Civil War which had its roots in the concepts that are on display now. As a result of the changing face of America, less white, the Trump types espouse predictions of Armageddon because something, as they see it, has gone terribly wrong with the America. To which I suppose only means that it is trying to live up to the lie that it has lived; meaning “a government for the people and by the people.” It amazes me, after witnessing the Bush years and the last decade of GOP criminal rule that the people elected a house and senate full of more of the same.

In the eyes of Conservatives, things are turned upside down. They tell black people that they make everything racial. Yet, they scream we want to “take back our country.” Back to what “Slavery”! More disheartening and most distasteful is that there are still African America’s, “House Negroes,” who chime in supporting their beliefs like the Trump who wants to be president. It appears that he forgot this nation was never fair or just; with respect to black people. Worse yet, there are some “Uncle Tom’s” that think race is no longer an issue or can remember the regular lynchings during the time “they” say was so great.

Just like “Manifest Destiny” was devised to justify one race’s superiority. The Conservatives movement now led by Trump is rooted in the psychology of racism, and we know that involves pitting one against the other. The standard trick is to use a black person to be the face of a situation or any number of these sellout Christians preachers that reminds me of my uncle Thomas, who we call Tom.

America’s ardent belief in Democracy, particularly everywhere else in the world, is shocking because they are not practicing it on its own shores. They make every effort to deny its own citizens the right to vote. The NEOCONs and war hawks can find billions of dollar in an instant to send anywhere in the world, but it seems to have forgotten Detroit, New Orleans, and anything related to people of color or minorities. More disturbing, an unarmed black person is shot down in the street every day, and they do nothing. Rather, their focus is to help the rich and encourage more war.

Back in the day, when we protested, peacefully, they called us un-American. They told us to “love it or leave it” – “go back to Africa.” We never threatened the lives of others when blacks begged for civil rights. However, when government officials do nothing – in my opinion it is treason. Let’s remember that once upon a time, people that had this mentality thought slavery was sanctioned by “God” and good for America. These conservatives are not just racist but the “Axis of evil.” And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

Trump Supporters Call For A Revolt: Here’s The Truth About Race Riots

007_1000I wrote this article some time ago after there were several situations of unrest on the streets of America. With Trump’s latest message to his supporter to create unrests let me remind you that a “riots is the language of the unheard”. This harkens back to the lawless lynchings of black people. Let’s be clear that the most deadly riots were done by white folk and most were done when they claimed the rules of white supremacy were, in their minds, violated. Black folk have had every reason to riot because when white folk riot it is legal!

Over the centuries what they would call riots were merely unrests because of the killing of an unarmed black person at the hands of the police. Now the truth is black people have only had what would be called only a few riots.

For example, most of the black riots took place in California with the worse being the Watt’s Riots of 1965; a horrible event but like any of the few riots black people started was predicated on some kind of white provocation. So let me remind you that the culture of race relations in America is one sided, and history tells us that most, if not all, race riots were not perpetrated by black people. The culture of violence by the so-called real Americans upon what they call “others” have been at the hands of white people in America.

You often hear how savage black people are when an incident occurs, and blacks take to the streets. They will tell you that these black destroy their own communities. For the record, that is the biggest lie since they portrayed Jesus as a white man. The worst riots and, in fact, most riots were done by white racists. Today it sounds like Trump is suggest a white uprising!

First, the people living in the inner city or urban areas do not own that which is burned or damaged. Rather, they are owned by those who profit or prey upon them. Before the 1960s, rioting or race riots as they were called consisted of whites burning down and destroying black communities simply because they didn’t want them there. Let’s go back further, the Native America people were nearly eliminated at the hands of such violence as their lands were stolen by germ warfare and whole tribes slaughtered. Later to be glamorized in “Cowboy and Indian” epics.

To be clear, the brutal and often deadly attacks upon black people was not a Southern phenomenon. These violent acts occurred mostly in major northern, western and Midwestern cities, where the population of black citizens grew tremendously due to the great migration. Blacks fled from the abusive and harsh Jim Crow south to seek refuge from the rigid Jim Crow era laws to find jobs and homes. The competition was fierce, thousands and thousands of blacks flooded the cities resulting in what became known as “white flight”. White people were angry that blacks were taking jobs they felt should have been theirs and building their own communities. Notice how this sounds like Trump’s code language!

Not only was housing discrimination prevalent but they passed laws and created sundown towns, which meant “Nigger” don’t be caught in white communities after dark or you will be lynched. Even white soldiers that have been stationed away from home were furious when they came back to this “change”. An often overlooked hazard, black soldiers who thought they were fighting for freedom would return home to situations worse than that they face on the combat fields.

So for those who don’t know this is how race riots started. Whites were not too happy about desegregation in the cities. Any incident, regardless of how mundane or minor, whites would assert what they viewed as their God-given right to take the law into their own hands. Using vigilante justice to attack destroyed and burned down black populated areas through mob violence and acts of terror that often resulted in countless deaths. It is important to clearly understand that a sense of entitlement was the motivation.

When the Jim Crow laws and subliminal attempts to keep their cities and communities segregated failed, riots often occurred. Here are ONLY just a few examples of the major race riots that took place in America:

1921: May 30 – June 1. Tulsa, OK. Black Wall Street Massacre
1922: May 6, June 9 Kirven, Texas
1923: January 1. Rosewood, FL Rosewood Massacre
1930: October 12-15 Sainte Genevieve, MO
1931: March Scottsboro, AL
1935: March 19 Harlem, NY Harlem Riot of 1935
1943: May Mobile, AL
1943: June Los Angeles, CA Zoot Suit Riot
1943: June 15-16 Beaumont, TX Beaumont Race Riot of 1943
1943: June 20 Detroit, MI Detroit Race Riot
1943:August 1 Harlem,NY Harlem Riot of 1943
1949: August-September Peekskill, NY
1951: July 11-12 Cicero County, IL Cicero Race Riot
1958: Maxton, NC Battle of Hayes Pond
1959: February Pearl River County, MS
1960: April Biloxi Beach, MS
1962: October Oxford, MS Uni of Mississippi
1963: September 30. Oxford, MS Ole Miss Riot
1963: July 11 Cambridge, MD Cambridge riot of 1963
1963: May 13 Birmingham, AL Bombings
1964: July Brooklyn, NY
1964: July 18 Harlem, NY Harlem Riot of 1964
1964: July 24-26 Rochester, NY Rochester riot
1964: August Jersey City, NJ
1964: August Paterson, NJ
1964: August Elizabeth, NJ
1964: August Chicago, IL
1964: August 28 Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia 1964 race riot
1965: March 7 Selma, AL Bloody Sunday
1965: July Springfield, MA
1965: August 11-17 Los Angeles, CA Watts Riot

I would argue that there were only two riots that can be credited to black people. When they killed Dr. King and the Rodney King riots in LA or those during what has been called the long hot summers of the 1960s. So let’s correct the narrative, almost all of the so-called race riots, including the Civil War, were initiated and perpetrated by the so-called Real Americans – white people! Anytime you hear someone criticizing black people for rioting, share this info with them.

Finally, the whole history of America is one of brutal aggression and oppression. Therefore, with the rise of police killings at the hands of the state is just a continuation of the brutal nature of a people who without a conscience. Frankly, white folk should thank their lucky stars that black America’s have not taken more brutal action concerning the brutal oppression they have been subjected to for 400 years!!! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…


News Flash: Stranger Than Fiction

5Just when you think you have heard it all; the cop’s prove you wrong! Tulsa Police Officer Betty Shelby now claims she was temporarily deaf during her encounter with Terence Crutcher, this according to her attorney, Scott Wood. My guess is this was not one of the GOOD COP’S.

The attorney said Shelby had experienced what is called “auditory exclusion”, a form of temporary hearing loss occurring under high stress. This is apparently why Shelby did not hear sirens from the additional police vehicles, she didn’t hear when the other Officer arrived, nor did she hear him announce to her that he has his Taser. This is really reaching for an excuse to kill.

This attorney, and I use that loosely, who said Shelby is justified in gunning down Crutcher, since she believed he had a gun, and  “…if you think someone has a gun, you don’t get your Taser out.” No gun was found on Crutcher nor in his vehicle, and Shelby was not responding to a call about an armed person, so her suspicion of Crutcher being armed is questionable.

This excuse should make everyone ashamed and very troubled by this accretion. If she gets off with this. The problem is she just might and we should began to pray for humanity!

Shelby was charged with felony manslaughter in the first degree, and was arrested after turning herself in to authorities. She was booked at a local county jail and released on $50,000 bond 23 minutes after her arrest. This is a disgrace!!!

This is a simple problem to fix. Don’t just file charges but CONVICT the thugs! Also, it is time to stop the paid vacation (administrative leave police) and free attorneys! This woman deserves to be on a level three tear in a max prison. And that’s my thought provoking perspective…

The Truth According To Who?

3In light of the nearly weekly killings at the hands of the police law speaks to the intensifying civil strife over the recent killings of unarmed black men and boys, many Americans are wondering, “What’s wrong with our police?” First, maybe we should take the police off of this pedestal that they are honorable and somehow decent. We know that they often lie!

They create a narrative to fit the truth as they want it to be; in the cases of police killings, their objective is to be exonerated of the crime. If you have ever had an encounter, even a traffic ticket, you know this is true!

Let’s look at the latest two killings; one situation show’s how it should be done, and the other shows the usual police tactic. In fact, what we see in North Carolina seems as if they are using Bull Connors playbook! For example, the first statement from the police seems to be unequivocal that the man they shot did have a gun. However, there was none shown in the video; days later, the tone has changed to something less affirmative. We also know the police play loose with facts and that there are instances where they have planted weapons after the fact. What technology has done is remove the veil of secrecy!

Let’s go back in time and understand the police were formed to be slave catchers. Therefore, they have never been honest when it comes to black people. In this case, the family and the police stories are vastly different views of what they saw on the video. This means it is now up to the police, in secret, to police themselves, and we know what the outcome is going to be; if history serves as proof. So this is what will happen, they will pay the family a sum of money to forget this happened.

In the Oklahoma case, there are those who are shocked that a white woman would shoot and kill someone in this senseless manner. Let us recall that white women were the most dangerous of all in the race. History has shown that they killed babies that her husband fathered with slave women, fed babies to alligators, seen cheering at lynching holding their children, and scream rape when they are in a compromising position.

Going back to the video’s, they have created a narrative that asked “do you believe us or your lying eyes” going back to Rodney King. The police nearly beat this man to death, and they said we did not see what we saw. When you watch the talking heads on television, they say the videos are not enough evidence to show that was wrong downing. Let me add, the color of the cop does not matter because “all they see is blue”.

We do know that the police, fact, that police forces have been infiltrated and run by white supremacy; so why then is it unreasonable to think there policies are not rooted in this true today! And that’s my thought provoking perspective…